Clinic SBB

Ästhetisch-plastischer Chirurg Serdar Bora Bayraktaroğlu


Serdar Bora Bayraktaroğlu schloss 2005 das Englisch-Medizin-Programm der Medizinischen Fakultät Cerrahpaşa ab. Zwischen 2005 und 2011 schloss er seine Ausbildung in plastischer Chirurgie an der Klinik für Plastische Rekonstruktive und Ästhetische Chirurgie des Krankenhauses Şişli Etfal ab Handchirurgie-Ausbildung in derselben Klinik. Im Januar 2009 schloss Bayraktaroğlu sein sechsmonatiges Praktikum im Bereich Gesichtsästhetik' am Facial Paralysis Institute in Kalifornien-LA, USA, erfolgreich ab.

Er schloss seine Abschlussarbeit ab Auf dem Gebiet der mikrovaskulären Chirurgie ist Dr. Bayraktaroğlu seit 2011 als Spezialist für plastische, rekonstruktive und ästhetische Chirurgie tätig.

Als Mitglied der türkischen Vereinigung für plastische und rekonstruktive Chirurgie verfolgt Dr. Bayraktaroğlu aktuelle Entwicklungen in der Anti-Aging- und Medizintechnik Ästhetik und ästhetisch-plastische Chirurgie in vielen nationalen und internationalen Organisationen.

Sie können Fragen stellen und einen Termin für ein ausführliches Gespräch vereinbaren.
+90 532 500 05 80


20 Millionen

Die Anzahl der weltweit durchgeführten kosmetischen Eingriffe im Jahr 2014.


Position der Türkei im Ranking der Länder mit den höchsten Raten für plastische Chirurgie.


Anteil der Frauen an kosmetischen Eingriffen.


The current average weight of women.





Collagen and elastin production begins to slow down, while the cells lose their vitality in skin tissue that has worn out due to aging. This wear occurs more especially in smokers. In recent years, this wear can be prevented and delayed with techniques developed by the tissue and genetic engineering. Stem Cell provides important benefits in this area.

How is stem cell treatment performed?
1 cup (50-200cc) of fat tissue is taken from the abdomen, waist and hip regions of the patient. A simple and short procedure performed in the operating room of hospitals by an Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Specialist. During this simple procedure performed under anesthesia the patient feels no pain. For SVF production, the stem cells in the fat tissue obtained are dissolved through a special device. SVF is supported with special cures and then is immediately given to the patient as cells in an alive and fresh state.

Who can have Stem Cell procedure?
People aged 35-65 years, who see that their skin tissues have worn out due to aging and environmental factors, are eligible candidates for the Stem Cell therapy.

Stem Cell
The patient can be discharged on the same day.
Dr. Serdar will discuss the options with you during your consultation

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Our hair is adversely affected by environmental factors or sets of personal factors including genetics, circulatory disorders and the aging process. With the PRP procedure, hair loss problems arising from any of these unfavorable conditions can be solved by reducing or completely eliminating certain hair conditions such as excessive oil and dandruff formation on the scalp.

Who can have a PRP Hair procedure?
- Anyone who suffers from hair loss is an eligible candidate for the PRP hair procedure.
- We use your blood and seperate healer cells and transfer these cells to your scalp. Sometimes we can combine these with Hyaluronic Acid to increase the effect.
- This procedure can be performed in the Clinic SBB.
- Dr. Serdar Bora Bayraktaroğlu will discuss the details of the procedure during your consultation.

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Much of migraine headaches are caused by the over-tension of the muscles in the head region. When the muscles causing pain attacks are enabled to relax, the factor that causes migraine headaches is eliminated. Botox that has become a new hope for the treatment of chronic migraine headaches is one of the most effective and up-to-date treatment procedures in this field.

After Botox injections, a decline is observed in headaches within a week. A pain-free period of 6-8 months is experienced, after which the procedure should be repeated.

Who can have Botox injections for migraines?
- Those over the age of 18 who have a migraine problem, can have this procedure.
- This procedure can be performed in the Clinic SBB.
- Dr. Serdar Bora Bayraktaroğlu will discuss the details of the procedure during your consultation.

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