Mesotherapy is a procedure performed using very thin and short injector needles.

Mesotherapy is mostly used for the purpose of skin rejuvenation, cellulite treatment, regional slimming, hair loss and the elimination of wrinkles.

  • Cellulite treatment with Mesotherapy
  • Skin rejuvenation with Mesotherapy
  • Regional slimming with Mesotherapy
  • Hair Mesotherapy

Who can have Mesotherapy?
- It is an ideal procedure for those who suffer from cellulite, regional fat deposition, wrinkles and hair loss problems.
- A procedure performed to rejuvanate skin quality around the face, neck and various areas of the body. We use Hyaluronic Acid, vitamins and minerals our skin requires.
- This procedure can be performed in the Clinic SBB.
- Redness may be seen afterwards.
- Dr. Serdar Bora Bayraktaroğlu will discuss the details of the procedure during your consultation.