The most ambiguous and most cacophonous topic of recent times: is having aesthetics addictive? Aesthetics and addiction are really interpreted today as if they are one concept after the other.

But is that the case?

In the Turkish Language Society (TDK), addiction is defined as "The state of being dependent on something or someone, subjection".Addiction is a multifaceted issue, in fact, addiction does not only occur around one cause. We can summarize that in most cases, people choose to follow the path to addiction if they develop a state of well-being based on the benefits they can obtain most easily and quickly.

Then why do we have the fear that aesthetic applications are or can be addictive? In this sense, we can formulate two statements: can a person be addicted to aesthetic applications? Or are aesthetic applications addictive? Let's examine these statements together.

Can a person be addicted to aesthetic applications?

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