Lipomas (Fatty Cyst Removal) can be seen anywhere on our body where fat tissue exists. The most common are seen in the belly and back regions.

Fat tissue do not disappear spontaneously, nor do they heal up with drugs and/or creams. Lipomas are an accumulation of fatty tissues under the skin. They do not cause symptoms such as aches and
pains. Such fatty tissue is removed by surgical intervention that takes only 5 minutes.

Who can have Fatty Cyst Removal?
Anyone who has pea-sized (or several centimeters in diameter) subcutaneous lipomas.

Skin Surgery "Fatty Cyst Removal"
The patient can be discharged the same day. The sutures are removed 7 to 10 days after surgery.
Dr. Serdar will discuss the options with you during your consultation.


Lipomas are benign tumors that can be seen everywhere except the scalp, palms and soles. Lipomas seen everywhere in our body, where there exists fat tissue are most commonly seen in the belly and back regions.

Fat tissues do not disappear spontaneously, or do not heal up with drugs or and creams. Lipomas, accumulation of fatty tissues under the skin, do not cause symptoms such as aches and pains. Such a fat tissue is removed by a surgical intervention that takes only 5 minutes.

Who can have a lipoma removal operation?

Those who have pea-sized (or several centimeters in diameter) subcutaneous lipomas.

Skin Surgery "Wen Removal"
The patient can be discharged the same day. The sutures are removed 7 to 10 days after surgery.
Dr. Serdar will discuss the options with you during your consultation.