Here I am with another ironic title.

I know that you wake up each day to dozens of commercial videos on your social media about popular practices that are the secret to Kylie Jenner's beauty. Or I imagine you sipping your coffee under the pressure of the places screaming for you to choose them and promise to offer you the beauty of the world with dirt cheap prices.

So I wanted to write an article for you at this point where you are caught between this stuckness, and I'm going to try to resolve this issue for you with my words like a surgeon using his knife to heal a wound.

Is something popular simply because it is good?

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Artificial intelligence has finally come knocking at our door, and Asimov's 3 Laws of Robotics have become a reality. From this point on, we will witness artificial intelligence and its algorithms in every aspect of our lives. A new era has begun, and rest assured, humanity will never be the same again.

So, what does it mean for me (from my perspective and expertise) to make artificial intelligence a topic of discussion? Where and how did artificial intelligence and aesthetics meet and will continue to intersect?

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This week, again, my carefree dreams have been replaced by curious questions based on science, and I would like to ask a question that perhaps no one has thought of or that may not have a scientific basis when we think of it and that causes us to make inferences to ourselves.

Does exercising make us beautiful?

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The most ambiguous and most cacophonous topic of recent times: is having aesthetics addictive? Aesthetics and addiction are really interpreted today as if they are one concept after the other.

But is that the case?

In the Turkish Language Society (TDK), addiction is defined as "The state of being dependent on something or someone, subjection".Addiction is a multifaceted issue, in fact, addiction does not only occur around one cause. We can summarize that in most cases, people choose to follow the path to addiction if they develop a state of well-being based on the benefits they can obtain most easily and quickly.

Then why do we have the fear that aesthetic applications are or can be addictive? In this sense, we can formulate two statements: can a person be addicted to aesthetic applications? Or are aesthetic applications addictive? Let's examine these statements together.

Can a person be addicted to aesthetic applications?

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This procedure, known as LIP LIFT, is performed in cases where the distance between the nose and lips is elongated and too long.

Why does our lip distance lengthen?

The first and most important cause of this is aging, getting older. Our aging face and upper lip lose their flexibility and support due to the loss of elasticity and the weakening of the bone and muscle tissue supporting our lips. As a result, our nose-lip distance lengthens.

Another reason is that this distance is congenitally long. Congenital nose-lip distance length is less common than aging-related reasons but is the reason why we have a long lip distance at a young age.

So what is the solution?

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Recently, we had a nice conversation with a very engaging, nice group of women about my philosophy of aesthetics and beauty. In the conversation, the subject came to curious questions and aesthetic experiences.

The following story was told; One of her friends told me that after her breast augmentation surgery, her doctor decided on the breast size and he/she did not ask her about this before the surgery (I think it was discussed, but it is not important) and asked me the question that you all wondered about.

Should plastic surgeons determine the size of our breasts? Or should we determine for ourselves?

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The New Trend: EXOSOME

The New Trend: EXOSOME

I would like to talk about the popular application of recent years, EXOSOME . These applications, considered to be a continuation of stem cell technologies, are referred to as the holy grail of the new period. So, what is this EXOSOME?

Cells are biological units that are in interaction with their outer environment. A cell leaves its intracellular wastes out of the cell in small vesicles. We have known this process for years. What we have recently noticed is that cells prepare vesicles rich in proteins, genetic materials, and fats and release them to the external environment to influence their distant or close environments.

These vesicles that have the potential to influence other cells are called exosomes.

How are Exosomes useful?

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The New Trend: EXOSOME - Vox Aesthetic

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Hidden Danger In Collagen Filler!

Hidden Danger In Collagen Filler!

Collagen fillers are now a very trendy facial rejuvenation method. In this case, a danger arises as follows... Filler brands at various price scales everywhere! Which one is best and reliable? How can we understand it?

Where and who are the producers of these fillings? In which countries have these fillings been certified? And what certifications are they? How will we know if this filler brand is the best for the consumer? What are we going to look for?

For the rest of the article, you can visit;

Hidden Danger In Collagen Filler! - Vox Aesthetic

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What İs Breast Reduction

What İs Breast Reduction


I am Plastic Surgeon Dr. Serdar Bora Bayraktaroğlu.

I am here with you with a new ‘Plastic Surgery of the week .’

The topic of this week is ‘Breast Reduction’

Again, I will tell you about Breast Reduction Surgery through an operation I have done.

Yes,  just like all breast surgeries, breast reduction surgery is also very important.

That’s because the surgery performed is the harbinger of a new era in a person’s life.

So What is Breast Reduction Surgery?

As I always say, breasts are the most important silhouette-defining parts of the female body.

It is also a symbol of femininity and fertility. In short, the plump and lively breast type, which reveals the female identity, is important in beautiful body perception.

Additionally, breasts have a very special and meaningful function in women, which is feeding their baby.

Now let’s come to our reasons for doing Breast Reduction Surgery:

In some women, breasts can be very large from puberty.

In other women, pregnancy and breastfeeding processes can make the breasts plump and enlarge, and the patient notices that after breastfeeding her breasts do not decrease in size and do not reach their old form.

Alternatively, after aging or weight gain, breasts may grow by gaining fat and they may lose their former small lively form and become large and saggy.

As you can see from the many reasons I’ve mentioned, women’s breasts grow over time by losing their old form, and this growth also causes sagging and the breasts no longer have their former, plump upright form.

We also come across cases where the large breasts are incompatible with the body shape.

For example, quite large breasts can be seen in a very petite woman. This can cause both aesthetic and health problems.

Breasts which are large for your body shape make you look older than you are and also make your upper body look larger.

Again, large breasts can cause back and neck pain and posture disorders.

My patients tell me these complaints by showing me bra straps marks on their shoulders and rash and allergies in their under-breast fold.

Again, the problem with such large breasts is not only the size but also the problem of sagging breasts over time.

In short, we do the ‘Breast Reduction Surgery’ not only for aesthetic concerns but also for achieving a size that is compatible with the body shape and having an overall healthy body.

After breast reduction surgery, my patients express their satisfaction by explaining that their neck and back pains have stopped, the rashes on the lower breast folds have disappeared, and the comfort of being able to go braless is expressed.

And as an aesthetic concern, researches show that the ideal breast size is medium-sized and that people find it more attractive.

Now let’s come to this patient;

This patient is in her mid-40sand her working life is intense.

She camouflages herself by wearing loose clothes, especially in her early youth. She tried to hide her appearance with a forward-leaning posture.

Her breasts lost their aesthetic appearance because of sagging over time.

My patient came to me to fix this distressing situation for her.

After my detailed examination, I showed her the new breast design suitable for her body shape before the surgery.

She liked the reduction rate I was going to do very much and she had the surgery.

So how was the surgery done?

In surgical breast reduction procedures; excess breast and adipose tissue are removed.

While these are taken, the nipple is also lifted by moving it to a higher point.

The breast tissue and breast skin are shaped

to create a smaller, more lively, new breast form.

The scars are hidden under the nipple, breast midline, and breast fold.

After the operation, a special bra is worn to stabilize the surgery performed and to protect the area.

After one night of hospital stay, resting at home begins.

And the patient returns to her normal life after a week.

We have achieved a very successful result in this patient’s operation. We have obtained the size which is most suitable for her body shape, the condition of her rib cage, height, weight, and skin structure.

And as you can see on the side, her new breasts look great on her.

I must state right away; if you are performing breast reduction surgery, you should definitely consider the patient’s expectations.

This is important for result satisfaction.

Breast reduction surgery is important.

A healthy and fit breast area has a very important place in human psychology and social status.

As I said, the satisfaction of the patient, who not only had aesthetic concerns but also got rid of the health problems of having large breasts, is very high.

The aesthetic appearance of the breast area, which appears especially in the person’s social life in the summer season in thin clothes or in the sea, makes the patient feel good.

Breast Reduction Surgery is performed in a personalized way.

Yes, I will say it again; as with many plastic surgeries, breast reduction surgery is also planned in a personalized way. I plan this surgery according to the person’s weight, age, expectations, breast tissue size, sagging amount, and skin structure.

This means that the surgery is personalized.

Breast reduction surgery increases the quality of life while adding a delightful prominence to the body.

By the way, I need to emphasize that breast reduction surgery does not prevent breastfeeding.

If we sum up briefly; After the surgery, recovery is provided by returning to normal life quickly.

And you can use your new breasts for a lifetime. However, without a doubt, taking care of yourself by not gaining or losing weight and doing sports is important in order to enjoy the results of this surgery for many years.

What Happens After the Operation?

After the operation, we host you in the hospital for one night. Small swelling and edema may occur.

.       You lie on your back and slightly inclined.

Sometimes I place small drains if I see it necessary and I pull them out the next morning as I see you off.

  • In the follow-up, I will do a week later, I only remove your tapes.

.       Since the stitches I have made during the surgery are dissolvable stitches, no stitches are removed in this procedure.

. Then, of course, you carefully return to your social life.

How long will the effect of surgery remain?

  • The effectiveness of this procedure lasts for years. But we shouldn’t forget that as we continue to age, there may be minor loosening over time.

And again, if you gain and lose weight quickly and intensely, unfortunately, the result of the surgery may be adversely affected.

What about scars

Breast reduction surgery is not a scarless surgery. However, the scars are in our natural folds, in special transition areas, and they become difficult to notice as they decrease over time.

Now I’m showing you the scars of my patient, these scars about 11 months after surgery, and you can see how weak and unclear they are.

Although breast reduction surgery leaves scars, its results are very successful.

When the patients choose between these vague scars and the satisfaction of the new breast shape they have acquired, they say it is good that we preferred the breast reduction surgery.

Combined Treatment

I can perform this surgical procedure on its own or as a part of body contouring. For example, I can plan it with other aesthetic procedures such as tummy tuck, VASER liposuction, or facelift.

Stay Healthy

A Brief Overview of Breast Reduction:

Anesthesia: General anesthesia

Technique: Taking the appropriate amount of adipose tissue.

Duration: 120 minutes

Hospitalization: One night

Pain: Absent

Edema:  Mild-moderate

Suture: Removed one week later.

Scars: None

Normal Life: You can return to your social life after a week.

Efficacy: Persistence for years.

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What İs Mastopexy

What İs Mastopexy

Breast Lift (Mastopexy)

This week’s surgical procedure is ‘Breast Lift’

I will tell you about this surgery through a surgery I have done. In this way, you will be able to find answers to all the questions you have about the surgery.

Firstly; Breast lift surgeries are performed to remove sagging due to different reasons and to obtain an aesthetic appearance. After the end of breastfeeding after birth, shrinkage of the breasts and sagging in the tissue cause deformity.

In some patients, gaining and losing too much weight also causes non-aesthetic results. Again, in plump breasts, sagging may occur over time due to gravity. If you have a flexible skin, this sagging may increase in the future. All these situations disturb the person and can sometimes negatively affect their psychology.

With the breast lift surgery, it is aimed to regain the form and uprightness of the area. And with this surgery, asymmetry problems between the two breasts are also eliminated.

Now, through my patient, I want to tell what I did.

This patient is a lady in her late 40s who had multiple births. She was born with large breasts, but after birth, she had an intense sagging problem as a result of both breastfeeding and weight gain. Also, as you can see, there is a serious asymmetry and nipple curvature. In short, my patient is faced with a serious deformation problem.

During the examination, she stated that she was very unhappy about this situation. She said that she now wanted firmer and smaller breasts in volume. I also made a plan by taking my patient’s wishes into consideration. I put it in a smaller and more vibrant form. I also carried the nipple to an upright place. But more importantly, I would remove the asymmetry between the two breasts.

This operation made my patient so happy that she lost weight. In this way, she entered her new life in a good shape. The result, as you can see, was very successful. And this positive change made me very happy. Because touching a person’s life in this way is one of the most beautiful things in the world.

Who are eligible for breast reduction?

– Those with a structurally sagging breast,

– Those with large and sagging breasts,

– Those whose breasts hang by emptying after births and breastfeeding,

– Breast sagging after excessive weight loss,

– Those who experience sagging with age.

Who should have breast lift surgery?

Those who experience sagging in their breasts due to pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight gain or loss, or structural reasons are suitable candidates for breast lift surgery.

Which methods are used in breast lift aesthetics?

The rate of sagging in the breast area and the size of the breasts are evaluated and the surgical intervention to be used in breast lift aesthetics is determined.

In mild, loose, and saggy breasts:

If the size of the breasts is appropriate, the ring-shaped excess around the nipple is removed and the nipple is lifted slightly upwards. A ring-shaped scar remains around the nipple. If the sagging is small or not too large, drop silicone prosthesis is used.

In moderate to severe loose and sagging breasts:

In moderate sagging, the excess skin on the nipple is removed in the form of a ring. The breast tissue is collected from underneath and the incisions are closed. There would be a scar around the nipple. In severe sagging, while the breast is applied in the same application, the breast picks up towards the bottom.

At what ages is breast lift surgery applied?

This surgery is mostly applied to middle-aged patients who have given birth. Breast lift surgery can be performed in young patients with  structurally sagging breasts. Surgery can be performed at a very early age in patients with    tubular breast deformity , popularly known as goat breast. This condition is a congenital condition and is noticed at 13-14 years of age when breast growth begins.

Will there be any scars after breast lift surgery?

Scars can be formed in different ways depending on the sagging. Even if these scars are evident at the beginning, they vanish over time. If a prosthesis is used during breast lift, it is hidden indistinctly in the brownish area of the nipple and the junction with the white skin of the breast.

What are experienced after breast lift surgery?

– Patients can be discharged 5-6 hours after the operation.

– Wound control is performed in the dressing performed 2 days later.

– In the first periods, swelling and numbness in the nipple are seen. This is a temporary process.

– After the operation, the patient can return to work 3-4 days later.

– After 1 week, the bandage is opened.

– The patient wears a sports bra for 6 weeks.

– It is recommended that the patient stay away from heavy sports for 3 months.

How long will the effect of surgery remain?

  • You can enjoy the efficacy of this procedure for years. But as the aging continues, there may be small slackening over time.

And again, if you gain and lose weight quickly and intensely, unfortunately, the result of the surgery may be adversely affected.

Combined Treatment

I can perform this surgery individually or as a part of body contouring. Then, for example, I can plan it with tummy tuck or vaser liposuction aesthetics.

Yes, as with every breast surgery, I repeat: Breast surgeries do not prevent you from breastfeeding.  In other words, you can have breast aesthetic surgery in any period of your life.

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What İs Breast Augmentation

What İs Breast Augmentation


I am Aesthetic Surgeon Serdar Bora Bayraktaroğlu.

I am with you with ‘Breast Augmentation – Lift’, which is this week’s aesthetic surgery.

Yes, I will describe the ‘ breast augmentation-lift’ surgery through my patient; with pre- and post-photographs in this section.

But first, let’s look at what breast augmentation-lift surgery is:

Breast augmentation-lift, also known as mastopexy, is a procedure in which we make sagging, empty breast tissue younger and more firm by both enlarging and lifting, that is, reshaping the breast.

This makes the breasts look more upright and fit.

Just like in this patient…

So why is breast augmentation lift so popular?

Because the new breast tissue formed by this operation reflects on your body as a young and revived breast profile, which makes you look more beautiful and younger.

This patient came to me with the complaint of sagging.

Her appearance on the clothes she wore did not satisfy her even though she wore a bra. She wasn’t feeling well in her personal life, on holidays. Therefore, I planned a breast augmentation lift surgery for her. Because her breasts were sagging and insides were empty.

Why do the breasts sag? Why do they get empty?

Of course, there is no single answer to this question, but every woman experiences sagging breasts as a result of the aging process.

Especially after weight loss surgeries or pregnancy, breastfeeding, aging, gravity, family inheritance, excessive weight gain and loss,      laparoscopic sleeve, breasts get empty, weakened, and saggy.

Who is a good candidate for breast lift surgery?

Breast lift surgery is a very personal procedure. You should do this for yourself, not to fulfill someone else’s wishes or to try to fit any image.

If you are physically healthy and at a stable weight,

If you are uncomfortable with the sagging or flat appearance of your breasts,

If your breast is hollow with sagging tips pointing down,

If your skin is loose, wrinkled, or your nipple is sagging,

If there is a difference in volume and sagging between your breasts,

You are the ideal candidate for a breast augmentation lift. Of course, I make the final surgical plan after I examine you. Everyone may not follow these patterns.

One of the most frequently asked questions by my patients is whether breast augmentation lift poses an obstacle for pregnancy or breastfeeding.

No. It does not. This surgery won’t stop you from breastfeeding and getting pregnant. Just sharing this info with your surgeon in advance when planning your pregnancy date will get you the best result.

How about surgery?

Surgery is performed under general anesthesia.

And the surgery can be performed with different incision models.

These include:

Only incisions made on your nipples,

An incision around the nipple and perpendicular to the breast fold.

A horizontal incision around the nipple along the mammarian fold.

It can be classified as or a combination of these, keyhole-shaped incisions and reverse J-shaped incisions.

Which technique is applied to which patient depends on the condition of the person’s breast.

But I aim for the highest possible outcome with the least possible scar in my patients.

I apply a silicone implant to enlarge and volume your breast tissue during your surgery. Then I reposition your nipple at a natural height. I reshape your breast tissue to move it back to a more conical, more lively point.

I’ll shrink the enlarged nipple if I have to.

We hide your scars in natural grooves and folds in breast augmentation-lift. Your scar on your nipple diminishes over time as it settles between the skin. In other words, this procedure is a surgery resulting in a scar, but the scars fade and become unnoticeable over time.  So you don’t have to worry.

The surgery is painless. You will return to your social life in a week’s time with my instructions.

What happens after the surgery?

You’ll stay at the hospital overnight after the surgery. You sometimes have small tubes called draines, but not in every patient. I’ll remove these drainages the next day while I’m discharging you.

You’ll be wearing a special bra after surgery.

You have to wear this special bra for about 3 weeks.  There is no suture removal in the follow-up because your sutures are .

Things you need to know;

A slight sagging of the breasts may be observed over time in patients undergoing breast augmentation lift surgery. It’s natural, but you never go back to the way you were before.

Again, you can get pregnant after this type of surgery as I explained at the beginning. However, the process of this pregnancy in your breast cannot be predicted because it is your own process. My advice to you is to plan this surgery after the pregnancy process.

The procedure is less affected by careful weight control and average pregnancy processes. So, you can enjoy the results of the surgery for many years. It is important to remember that we age over time.

A brief overview of breast augmentation and lift:

Anesthesia: General anesthesia

Technique:  Removal of excess breast tissue and skin with breast augmentation and getting the breast upright.

Time: 120 minutes

Admission: 1 night

Pain: No

Edema: Mild to moderate

Suture: Dissoluble suture. No suture removal

Scar: Fading scars over time

Normal Life: You can go back to your social life after a week.

Efficacy: Persistent for years.

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What is Botox?

What is Botox?


I am Plastic Surgeon Serdar Bora Bayraktaroğlu.

Your interest in the videos where I describe the procedures I do is increasing day by day. Firstly, thank you.

This week, I will tell you about a non-surgical procedure.

Yes, our topic is about the anti-aging procedure that you all love, ‘BOTOX’.

What is Botox?

Botox is actually a medicine. You can think of it as a muscle relaxant. We prevent wrinkles by loosening the muscles that bring about our facial expressions millions of times a day. Thus, our wrinkles that are caused by facial expressions are cleared.

Botox is a toxin obtained from bacteria. Contrary to urban legends, it is not snake venom.

And the other information you need to know is that botox is a drug. For this, it should be applied by expert hands.

So what are the effects of botox?

Here, I will tell you how botox affects the face of this beautiful woman. This patient is in her mid-20s and her complaint is wrinkles due to facial expressions. Now I show you the eye contour area, the area between the eyebrows and the forehead during facial expressions.

First, eye contour area:

While botox clears the facial wrinkles we call crow’s feet, it also makes the area around your eyes look youthful and rested. A second feature we love about it is that it can slightly raise the eyebrows. Therefore, we can achieve a higher eye contour (but not like Mr. Spock) at the moment of posing, and a more balanced eye area that does not move down at the moment of a smile, as was the case with my patient before.

The glabella (the area between the eyebrows)

In daily life, stress-induced frowning creates deep wrinkles over time. This wrinkle between the eyebrows can sometimes be very deep. This causes both an aggressive facial appearance even if you are not, and a constant tired look.

And at the end of these ongoing processes, the lines between the eyebrows give way to deeper grooves.

Now I’m showing you the before video of my patient’s eyebrow facial expressions. Now, take a look here! The ‘before’ situation is really dire.

The ‘after’, on the other hand, how light and good it looks!

Forehead wrinkles

Our forehead is the most open area of our face. Since there is no organ located in this area, facial expression lines are immediately obvious. Take a look now at how forehead facial expressions look on this beautiful woman’s face.

Yes, if you noticed, 3 lines begin to form in the middle area as her forehead has facial expressions. Fortunately, our patient is young. With the botox procedure we do, we will reduce the deepening of these lines. At the same time, we will prevent these lines from progressing and forming deep grooves.

Questions you wonder about botox

How long does the effect last?

The effectiveness of botox lasts approximately 4 months. As I said before, botox is a drug and each drug has a certain duration of action after it enters our body. The duration of action of the same dose of botox in the same patient may differ even in summer and winter.

When does the effect begin?

The effect of your botox starts within 3 days after its application. I invite you to a follow-up after 10 days for evaluation. If I deem it necessary, I apply again to strengthen some effects and to weaken some other effects.

Will my face age faster if I quit after using botox for a long time?

No, on the contrary, when patients who get botox pause this procedure, their wrinkles will be less for a long time. This is because we prevented our face from aging for many years thanks to botox. In other words, you will be more advantageous compared to the wrinkles of a person of the same age group.

Yes, you can resist aging with Botox.

I wish you healthy days…

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What İs Lip Filling?

What İs Lip Filling?

Lip filler

I continue to meet you regularly every week with the procedures I do. As an experienced surgeon, my goal is to inform you about these very important issues. Yes the topic of this week is: ‘Lip fillers’

Again, it is one of my favorite non-surgical aesthetic procedures that I do very often. I will tell you about the procedure with an example of a patient to whom I applied lip filling.

What is lip filling?

Our lips are organs created for talking, eating, and drinking. But we also know that they add exquisite values to our beauty.

In addition, our lips have taken place in both our history and literature and are one of the criteria of beauty described in the lines of poems.  The definition of being ‘  honey-lipped’, or ‘cherry-lipped’   comes from here.

But unfortunately, not everyone has naturally prominent and eye-catching lips.

So what can we do to make our lips look attractive?

Of course ‘lip fillers’ We can get an aesthetic result at the desired level. The lip filling procedure is done for this purpose. The filling used in this procedure consists of a lip-specific material that is a type of collagen hyaluronic acid. A substance that is completely compatible with the body and has no side effects.

How are our lips shaped?

Our lips are actually a structure formed by the harmony of many small units.

These units consist of a combination of the lines forming our lip edges, lip rim, our mucosa that gives our lips its thickness, longitudinal columns between the lips, and nose and the transition areas.

As you can see, it is a small structure but consists of very detailed pieces.

Filling the lips does not just mean enlarging them. At the same time, our most important goal is to ensure that these small details look aesthetic by balancing them harmoniously.

Now; Let’s look at the lips of this patient.

This patient’s complaint was that her lips were very thin and the edges were pale. In short, she did not find her lips prominent. When my patient looked at her lips, she saw a structure with weak lines and low volume.

Well, what do I see as a plastic surgeon? Let me state them in my patient:

Her lips are really without volume. Edge transitions are too faint.

According to my assessment; Just making these lips thicker could make them look rough and overly large. Therefore, I thought that a natural-looking filler application in which the edge lines are emphasized would look more elegant on her lips

Again, I aimed to achieve a more attractive and more feminine lip result by sharpening the lip angles and shortening the distance between the lips and nose by making the longitudinal columns between the lips and nose more prominent.

In fact, as in all surgical and non-surgical applications, I wanted to create ‘natural noticeability’

In other words, her lips should have reached a result that is noticeable enough but does not look filled.

I made the procedure with this motto.

Now, if we come to before and after the procedure; you can see that the small differences that I just described have improved and how her lips look elegant, yet prominent and feminine.

Sometimes a few sessions are required for lip filling. In other words, reaching the result we want to achieve in a few sessions and watching the application harmonize with the lips each time give better results. I decide whether to have a session or not after examining you.

What don’t I do?

For example, I don’t apply large doses of fillers to a patient who has never had lip fillers before.

I don’t make lips too prominent.

I don’t achieve an image that is incompatible with the facial structure.

I do not let the fillers go beyond the lips and facial aesthetics.

Let’s see what I mean by looking at the before and after photos of my patient once again.

Lip filling is a painless procedure that takes a very short time. It is carried out under hygienic conditions in a clinical setting. It is a procedure with needles. It does not have any side effects and the effectiveness starts immediately.

I want you to be careful while having fillers. Because there are a wide variety of fillers in the market.

However, not every filler is healthy and reliable.

For this reason, please choose a plastic surgeon who has previous experience in this field.

Because plastic surgeons know facial anatomy and have ethical knowledge about the aesthetic values of the job.

Let’s talk about the effectiveness of the procedure;

The effects of lip filling last approximately 8 -10 months. This may sometimes differ depending on your body structure, the amount, and the type of filler used.

Yes, although lip filling is a repeatable procedure, do not forget that natural touches should be made in every filling procedure.

Remember, your face is your most important area that gives clues about your expressive personality. No trend can be as permanent as natural!

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What is Thigh Lifting Surgery?

What is Thigh Lifting Surgery?


I am Dr. Plastic Surgeon, Serdar Bora Bayraktaroğlu.

This week’s plastic surgery procedure is Thigh Lifting!

Thigh lift surgery is one of the operations that I frequently perform.

This surgery, which is performed particularly after dramatic weight loss, is very pleasing in terms of the results.

What is Thigh Lifting Surgery?

Sagging occurs as a result of loosening of our skin and collagen in the upper and inner parts of our leg inner region after weight gain and loss, intensive and rapid weight loss operations such as sleeve gastrectomy or similar reasons.

The surgical procedure that we do to fix these sagging and make our legs look thinner and tighter is called Thigh Lifting Surgery.

Patients with these problems complain to me in my clinic and say, “Mr. Bayraktaroğlu, my legs look very loose during movement, I cannot wear short and evening dresses” or “The loose posture on my legs looks an old appearance.”

In short, sagging causes discomfort and does not look good.

Leg-thigh lifting surgery is performed individually.

In other words, the surgery is planned according to the sagging rate and skin structure. Because sagging varies according to the size of the leg and our gender. This necessitates the surgery to be personalized.

Well, there is still a curious issue. Can thigh lift be performed with only Vaser or Laser liposuction?

Indeed, the limited fat removal processes performed on slightly sagging and partially fatty legs tighten our legs by thinning, however we cannot move a loose hollow or excessively fat leg to a tighter point with only fat removal. Imagine an overly inflated balloon, when you deflate it, you will see the balloon loosen. In fact, this principle is also valid for human tissue, removing excess fat from the legs may not tighten, but may increase loosening.

What are the processes before the operation?

First of all, we have preparations before the operation. My clinic will provide you all the instructions in this regard and will follow you up.

.        If I am planning a thigh lift surgery for my patient due to aging and other reasons, we can start at any time regarding the timing of the procedure. If I am planning the thigh lift to someone who has undergone sleeve gastrectomy operation, I make sure that s/he has reached his ultimate weight. In other words, I do the surgery on patients who have stopped losing weight and who are now at this weight regularly.

The use of aspirin, painkillers or herbal products, which have blood thinning characteristic, is discontinued a week ago.

  • Again, I want you to stop smoking and alcohol use one week before the operation.

Let’s get to the surgery process:

I perform the surgery under general anesthesia.

I take the loose and sagging skin inside the leg. I do this with a cut that fits into the groin line and the middle of the inner thigh. If I find necessary while doing this procedure, I also remove excess fat tissue with vaser liposuction. In this way, we achieve not only a tight leg, but also a thinner leg.

This process takes about 2 hours.

By concealing the incisions made on the inner area of the leg to the groin groove and leg groove, I ensure that the patient have a comfortable surgery.

As you can see in this patient, a great favorable difference occurs between before and after the operation.

The leg is both getting thinner and tighten.

The patient can wear clothes in which their legs are visible, and this provides a psychological comfort, as well.

After the surgery, recovery is provided by returning to normal life quickly.

Thigh lifting surgery is a component of a concept called Body Sculpting and is very significant.

You can enjoy the results if the procedure is performed properly.

However, of course, taking care of yourself without gaining weight and doing sports is important in order to use the results of this surgery for many years.

What Happens After the Operation?

After the operation, we host you in the hospital for one night. Small swelling and edema may occur.

  • In the control that I will do a week later, I only take your tapes. Since the sutures that I have made during the surgery are absorbable, no sutures are removed in this procedure.

. Then you return to your social life, but of course, by taking care of yourself.

How long will the efficacy of surgery?

  • You can enjoy the efficacy of this procedure for years. But the point to remember is that as we continue to age, there may be minor loosening over time.

And again, if you gain and lose weight quickly and intensely, unfortunately, the result of the surgery may be adversely affected.

Will there be any scar?

The incisions I hide in the groin groove and in the leg decrease and fade over time. Thigh lift surgery is not a scarless surgery, however since the scars are hidden in your natural recess, their appearance is weak, and their awareness from the front and back is almost nonexistent.

This surgery, in which leg thinness and firmness is gained, is a very strong procedure in terms of results despite your scar. Because no other procedure can reveal these results as clearly as thigh lift surgery.

Hence, it is a surgery that I recommend to my patients and that I do very fondly.

Combined Treatment

I can perform this surgery as alone procedure or as a part of body contouring. Then I can plan vaser liposuction and mammaplasty reduction for my patient at the same time as well as leg thigh lifting.

A Brief Overview of Thigh Lifting:

Anesthesia: General anesthesia

Technique: Removing excess fat and skin inside the leg.

Duration 120 minutes

Hospitalization: One night

Pain: Absent

Edema: Mild-moderate

Suture: Removed one week later.

Scars: None

Normal Life: You can return to your social life after a week.

Efficacy: Persistence for years.

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What is Rhinoplasty?

What is Rhinoplasty?


I am Serdar Bora Bayraktaroğlu, Plastic Surgeon.

“Plastic surgery procedure of this week’‘ is Rhinoplasty!

I will answer the questions asked by my patients about aesthetic nose surgery, a topic many of you are curious about, based on a patient I operated on.

Rhinoplasty is one of the surgeries that I love and am excited about since I started my career as a plastic surgeon.

Especially, the satisfaction that comes from the results of aesthetic nose surgery in the patients makes me very happy.

Briefly, rhinoplasty is very successful in terms of results.

What is “Rhinoplasty”?

Our nose is one of the organs that stand in the middle of our face and make us who we are.

The term middle of our face is perhaps the most descriptive of this organ.

The middle triangle awareness in people’s perception of our face is the most prominent area in our face.

Although the nose is an organ responsible for respiration, it has a special significance for facial aesthetics.

In addition to curvature or excessive size, excessive smallness problems, problems caused by trauma are corrected and treated in rhinoplasty surgery.

Furthermore, nasal aesthetics is not only performed with aesthetic concerns.

The anatomical structure of the nose sometimes prevents breathing.

In these cases, we perform a rhinoplastic operation.

We make corrections and repairs to your adenoids and the mid-roof cartilage so that the patient can breathe better.

One of the most common questions my patients ask me is what technique I use. Yes, you can perform nasal aesthetics using many techniques: Closed technique, open technique, preservation, or structural techniques.

Here I should point out that these techniques you need to know may have advantages and disadvantages at some points relative to each other.

Regardless of the technique used in nasal aesthetics, if properly planned, it will come back to you as a natural result.

I use the atraumatic technique (open structural rhinoplasty) and get natural and aesthetic results.

Now let’s take a look at the rhinoplasty surgery in this patient.

My patient is a young woman in her late 20’s with a pretty beautiful face.

She was bothered by the bulbous nose tip, sagging, and the nostril widths. She came to me for her nose, which was too big for her face.

During the consultation, I took photos of the patient before surgery. Following the photos, I used a small endoscopic camera to look inside the nose and assess the curvature of nasal cartilage and the condition of the adenoids. This is how I roughly created my surgical plan.

Of course, my patient wondered what her nose would look like after surgery.

I showed her the side profile of the photos I had previously taken with a special program and showed the possible simulation after surgery.

This procedure is important so that the patient understands the new posture of the bridge and tip of the nose and has an idea of how the surgery will be performed.

I suggested a shape suitable for her face and her racial characteristics, which would not reveal that she had nasal surgery, with natural contours, a flat back of the nose, a slightly raised tip of the nose, but not excessively prominent nostrils from the front. She also said she wanted that result.

So, what did I not do in this nose surgery?

Yes, as you know, unfortunately, sometimes there are current trends in rhinoplasty.

As a plastic surgeon, I don’t think they’re right.

Fashion is fleeting, but your nose will stay with you for a lifetime.

For this reason, I did not stick to any current in surgery.

I did not round the nose inward and give the appearance of a slide.

I did not thin out the bridge of the nose, as if it did not exist.

I did not lift the tip of the nose excessively.

I have not destroyed the natural roundness at the tip of the nose.

So what did I do?

I narrowed the roundness of the tip of the nose in proportion to the patient’s face.

I moved the nose to a smaller and more aesthetic point without disturbing the overall expression.

Besides, I achieved natural results that did not show that a surgery was performed.

Again, by making the nose shape thinner, I got a slim face silhouette.

I made her nostrils smaller to be more balanced with the rest of her nose,

I lifted the tip of her nose, but this raising did not disfigure her naturalness from the front and side.

In short, I performed a Rhinoplasty Surgery that matched the patient’s facial anatomy and naturalness.

As you can see, the result was perfect!

Rhinoplasty surgery is important.

In the first place, healthy breathing is of great importance for the continuity and quality of life.

Again, an aesthetic nose has a positive effect on the psyche of the person for the rest of his life.

Studies reveal the positive effects of satisfaction at the end of the surgery on the private life of the person.

Rhinoplasty surgery is performed on an individual basis.

The facial structure of the person makes it imperative

A natural rhinoplasty can only be achieved by planning the personal outcomes.

When my patients come to the consultation, they bring and show the nose samples they like from artists and film artists, but you should know that this is not always true.

Mounting someone else’s nose result on your face may not produce a nice natural result.

Let’s get to the procedure:

I perform the surgery under general anesthesia.

This process takes about 2 hours.

As you can see in this patient, a great favorable difference occurs between before and after the operation.

After surgery, recovery begins, allowing the patient to quickly return to normal life.

And you use it with pleasure for a lifetime.

After surgery;

Another important question I am asked by my patients is whether or not to apply a nasal tamponade.

No, I don’t apply a tampon to the nose, thanks to the silicone pads I placed in the nose, there is no need for a tampon anymore. Since these silicone pads have holes, you can continue to breathe after surgery.

To protect the new shape of the nose, we put tape on the back of the nose and apply a silicone splint.

At the checkup, I remove the tiny sutures from the tip of the nose and remove the silicone pads and splint,

all of these procedures are painless and very comfortable.

In the first days, some patients may experience mild edema and bruises.

This is very common and please don’t worry, it passes quickly. When you come in for your checkup, you will see that these bruises have passed.

From the 2nd day after surgery, patients can go back to their daily lives.

After 10 days, light sports are begun, provided the nasal area is protected from injury. After six weeks, all sports activities are free, except diving and activities that cause trauma to the nose.

What happens after the operation?

After the operation, we host you in the hospital for one night. Small swellings and edema may occur.

.       You sleep on your back.

.       Ice is applied at regular intervals. This prevents the formation of edema.

Rhinoplasty is not a painful procedure, patients may experience discomfort with insomnia and nasal congestion, usually due to attention to lying positions during the first few days.

How long does the efficacy of his nose operation last?

A nose job will last a lifetime.

Will there be a scar?

Now I’m going to show you the tip of this patient’s nose, see, it’s almost impossible to understand.

Rhinoplasty is a scarless operation.

Combined Treatment

As I can perform this surgery alone, I can schedule it with surgeries such as body aesthetics or facial aesthetics if I feel it is necessary.

Be Healthy

A Brief Overview of Rhinoplasty Surgery:

Anesthesia: General anesthesia

Technique: Open or closed.

Duration: 120 minutes

Hospitalization: 1 night

Pain: Absent

Edema:  Mild-moderate

Suture: Removed one week later.

Scar: No

Normal Life: You can return to your social life after a week.

Efficacy: Persistence for years.

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What İs Profound?

What İs Profound?


I am Serdar Bora Bayraktaroğlu and I am an aesthetic surgeon.

This week’s topic is a non-surgical facelift procedure, Profound!

Guiding you through before and after photos, I am going to explain the results I obtain via Profound.

Profound is a very effective non-surgical facial rejuvenation technique that I often perform on patients having moderate face sagging when they do not wish to undergo face lifting surgeries or when their facial tissue is not mature enough for a facelift.

And yes, it’s one of the most effective device treatments in the world.

We achieve exquisite results especially in 35-55-year-old individuals.

So what’s Profound?

Profound is a device with radiofrequency needles used for face and body lifting yielding successful results in elasticity loss, sagging, or regional fat deposits in the lower face, neck, and inner arms and legs.

The micro needling method with the Profound device acts on the dermal layer and the fatty tissue deeply. The technique stimulates collagen and elastin, which are the components that provide the firmness of your skin, five times more strongly allowing us to achieve great results.

Now let’s take a closer look at the treatment process through this patient.

We took this photo before the procedure.

Our patient is 55 years old.

Although the patient is thin, severe sagging has developed especially in the jowl and lower face. Skin sagging is observed, especially extending from the jowl to the neck. The skin has a loose structure. During a clinical visit, the patient told me about the significant discomfort with sagging. In addition, the patient did not wish to undergo surgery and

asked me about possible solutions to the problem.

I recommended Profound as a highly effective non-surgical facial lifting method.

The most effective solution to the problem in such patients is the treatment with radiofrequency microneedles in a single session of 45 minutes.

I have treated a lot of patients with Profound in my clinic so far.

This is the third month of treatment.

We see how the area stimulated by microneedles reacts to the treatment. The skin becomes firmer gaining elasticity.

Here is the result of the 18th month of the procedure.

Profound’s effects have been fully revealed. The results in the region undergoing the procedure are very successful.

Sagging has recovered maximally to a degree that can be allowed without surgery.

How will be the Process before Treatment?

  • We need to do some preparatory work before the procedure.

.       My clinic will provide you all the instructions in this regard and will follow you up.

  • The use of drugs having blood-thinning effects; which include aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid), anti-pain medications, or herbal products, should be stopped.

The Procedure with Profound:

The procedure can be performed under local anesthesia or mild sedation.

Profound radiofrequency micro needling acts on the lower face and the jowl as the facial areas likely to sag; it treats sagging in the inner arm and cellulites on the inner thighs and buttocks.

The procedure is performed in one session taking about 45 minutes.

How does Profound work?

When the special microneedles on the Profound are introduced into your skin, they warm the collagen bed in that area up to 68-69 degrees Celcius and maintain the achieved temperature in that tissue layer for a certain time.

In doing so, a small sensor located in the head of the needle measures the temperature of the collagen layer ten times every second in order to deliver the heat to the collagen bed in a controlled manner.

Thus, the technique is safe and effective.

Profound is equipped with two heads. While the first head heats the collagen bed, the other head is introduced deeper into the fat tissue to dissolve deposited fat by controlled heating.

In patients with a rounded and wide lower face and neck, this process makes the face narrower as well as firming and lifting the skin.

In short; the face becomes narrower, firmer, and gains a healthy aesthetic appearance.

Subsequently, normal life is rapidly resumed with recovery.

What happens after the operation?

  • After the operation, we give you some rest in the clinic.

.       Minimal edema may occur; which is quite normal.

.       Applying ice helps to quickly reduce the edema and swelling.

You are going to continue to apply ice for 2-3 days.

  • After a week, you are going to receive special care treatment in the clinic as another component of the procedure. Then, you can resume your social life completely.

.       The results start to appear from week 6 and they become visible starting from the third month.

In the third month, I am going to invite you to my clinic to take photographs. And then, we become ready to compare the results.

How long will the effect of profound remain?

  • When you start observing the effectiveness of the Profound procedure in the third month, you should know that the activity continues deeper under your skin.

So, the results of the procedure will become more robust over time. You can enjoy the results of this procedure for 2-3 years.

Combined Treatment

If necessary, we can combine the Profound procedure with fat injections to the face, collagen fillings, brow lifting, or upper eyelid surgery. Indeed, we achieve much better results in some patients thanks to the holistic approach. Thus, we can achieve more robust results in both the lower and the upper face.

Finally, I should emphasize that the use of Profound or any other device does not rival the results of face lift surgery. Therefore, I need you to know that Profound is for use only in patients experiencing moderate sagging in a certain age range.

A Brief Look at Profound:

Anesthesia: Local anesthesia

Technique: Deep radiofrequency micro needling.

Duration: 45 minutes

Hospitalization: No.

Pain: None

Edema:  Slight-medium

Sutures: None.

Scars: None

Resuming Normal Life: Immediately.

Longevity of the results: 2-3 years.

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What is OtoPlasty?

What is OtoPlasty?


I am Serdar Bora Bayraktaroğlu, the Aesthetic Surgeon.

This Week’s “Aesthetic Surgery Procedure of the Week’’ is Otoplasty, in other words, Prominent Ear Surgery!

Through my patient, I will describe how prominent ears, which are nightmares particularly in childhood, are treated with surgery.

What is OtoPlasty?

The term “otoplasty” refers to a surgical procedure that corrects auricle or outer ear malformations. The goal is to make the auricle’s asymmetrical, outward-facing appearance more aesthetic.

Why is Ear Aesthetics Performed?

The outer ear has a significant function in hearing. This function is the transmission of sound waves towards the ear canal.

However, the stance and position of the ears play a significant role in the overall appearance of a person.

It can be annoying when the auricle’s outer opening is too evident.

The ears are at around a 21-30 degree angle to the head.

If the angle between our ears and our heads is greater than this, the auricle takes on a “looking outward – tapering” appearance, also called “jug ears” colloquially.

Particularly in childhood and early adolescence, although this situation appears cute – you can also include the humorous caricatures in it – it can cause mockery and psychological distress among children at school and in the social field.

Some studies even show that having prominent ears leads to low self-esteem, isolation, and a lack of self-confidence.

Here, I recommend Prominent Ear Aesthetics surgery as the solution to this.

The most critical subject of prominent ear surgery, in my opinion, should be when we can perform the procedure.

When should the operation be performed?

The best time to have an otoplasty is when a child is between the ages of 5 and 6, as their ear development is 90% complete.

By operating the child at these ages, we avoid unpleasant circumstances that might arise due to his/her prominent ears in his/her social environment and school.

This is the youngest age that is recommended.

However, the person may have prominent ear surgery at any age. To put it another way, we perform Prominent Ear Surgery on adults as well.

How is Otoplasty Performed?

In children, the otoplasty process is performed under general anesthesia, while in adults, it is performed under local anesthesia or general anesthesia.

In this location, improperly angled cartilages are exposed by the incision behind the ear,

and these cartilages are reshaped using stitching and incision methods.

Incisions and stitches are hidden behind the ear during this procedure. In some cases, excess cartilage is removed.  The procedure takes about 45 minutes to 1 hour.

No surgical scars left.

This scar hidden behind the ear will not be visible from the front anyway, and this scar, which is located in the groove, will fade over time and will go unnoticed.

Following the procedure, the ears are wrapped in a special bandage.

This bandage will be removed a day or two after your surgery.

From this moment on, the individual is required to wear a special form of tennis player bandage for the next three weeks. This bandage protects the reshaped cartilages from trauma and ensures that the procedure’s effects are permanent.

Thus, post-surgery deformation of the ear shape is avoided.

What happens after the surgery?

There may be a lack of awareness in the ear for a few days. Prominent ear surgery is a very comfortable procedure in terms of pain.

Mild bruising or edema is normal in some cases.

This situation is kept under control with the medicines I will give you, and don’t worry, it will recover quickly.

In a short time, you will be back to your social life.

Yes, as I previously said, you can progressively return to your regular life after the 3rd day.

You can take a bath after the first week.

After the first week, you can resume your daily routine of sports and intense exercise provided that you keep your ears free from trauma.

I wish you healthy days.

A Brief Overview of Otoplasty Application:

Anesthesia: General anesthesia

Technique: Normalizing the ear with an incision.

Duration: 3-4 hours

Hospitalization: 1 night

Pain: None

Edema:  Mild-moderate

Sutures: None

Scars: None

Normal Life: You can return to your social life after two weeks.

Efficiency: Permanence for years

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What is Abdominoplasty?

What is Abdominoplasty?


I’m Aesthetic Surgeon Dr. Serdar Bora Bayraktaroğlu.

This week’s cosmetic surgery is “Abdominoplasty!”

Abdominoplasty is one of the operations I often perform and love.

This surgery is very successful in terms of its results, especially after dramatic weight loss.

What is Abdominoplasty?

Sagging occurs as a result of intense and rapid weight loss such as birth, weight loss, sleeve stomach surgery, or loosening due to aging and similar reasons in our abdominal region.

Here, we call the surgical procedure abdominoplasty in which we do to eliminate these sagging and make our abdomen look thinner and tighter.

The surgery was performed to eliminate deformities caused by weight gain and loss over the age of 50 years and due to aging, as in this patient.

The result is perfect!

Abdominoplasty is important. A healthy and fit abdomen is very important in human psychology and social status. Because a lean, flat, and tight abdomen is one of the indicators of being healthy today.

Patients with complaints of sagging and fattening in the abdomen should not wear clothes with open belly or narrow belly. Again, these people feel uncomfortable with the abdominal areas sagging while hanging out on the beach. In addition, they try to hide their abdomen with a corset when they wear an evening dress.

In fact, tummy tuck surgery is planned individually as in many plastic surgery surgeries.

It is planned according to the sagging rate of the person, skin structure, and amount of fat. This makes it imperative that the surgery should be personalized.

Will Vaser liposuction alone result in abdominal liposuction, laser liposuction, or radiofrequency energy liposuctions?

In fact, limited liposuction procedures in slightly sagging and partially fatty abdomens tighten the abdominal area by thinning it but we cannot move a loose, hollow, or excessively fatty abdomen to a tighter point just by liposuction. When we vent the excessive air from an inflated balloon, you see that the balloon loosens, actually, this principle applies to human tissue. Excessive fat removal from the abdomen may not only tighten it but also increase loosening.

If you plan to undergo abdominoplasty for aging and other reasons, we can schedule the procedure at any time. However, if I plan the abdominoplasty for someone who has undergone sleeve gastrectomy, I will make sure that they reach their final weight. So I perform the surgery on patients who have stopped losing weight and are now stable at this weight.

Abdominoplasty surgeries can be performed as full abdominoplasty surgery and mini-abdominoplasty. The belly button of the patient is also moved and reconstructed during the full abdominoplasty procedure. It is especially applied to patients with the intensely sagging abdomen. Half or mini abdominoplasty is the procedure performed only in cases where there is no sagging in the belly button and above, and only sagging under the belly button. Mini abdominoplasty doesn’t rebuild the belly button.

I repair and tighten not only the abdominal skin but also the abdominal wall in abdominoplasty if necessary.

I add a Vaser liposuction procedure if necessary. We call it lipo-abdominoplasty in that case. You will get a thinner waist and abdomen with this Vaser liposuction procedure.

  • First of all, we have preparatory procedures before the operation. My clinic follows your process by giving you all the instructions.

.   Aspirin, painkillers, or herbal products with blood-thinning properties are discontinued a week prior.

  • Again, I want you to stop smoking and drinking 1 week before the operation.

Now, about the surgery process:

I perform the surgery under general anesthesia.

I remove excess sagging and loosening skin from the abdomen.  I do it with an incision under the abdomen. I remove the excess fat tissue from the abdominal region of the waist with Vaser liposuction when performing this procedure if necessary. Thus, we reach the conclusion not only of a firm abdomen but also of a thinner abdomen.

This takes approximately 2 hours.

I enable the patient to enjoy the result of a comfortable surgery by hiding the incisions made at the lower abdominal border in the bikini line.

There is a significant positive difference before and after the surgery as seen in this patient.

Your abdomen revises and tightens.

The patient can wear clothes that show the abdomen, which provides psychological comfort.

Recovery is achieved by rapidly returning to normal life after the surgery.

Abdominoplasty is part of the body sculpture and is very important.

You can use it with pleasure for life if performed correctly.

However, of course, it is important for you to take care of yourself without gaining weight and doing sports so that you can live with the results of this surgery for many years.

What happens after the operation?

  • You’ll be staying at the hospital overnight after the operation.

.   You sleep with your back slightly upright and your legs bent.

.   We’ll come and discharge you the next day. There are small tubes in your abdomen called drainage that allow us to remove excess fluid from the inside. I’ll remove these drainages at the first checkup.

  • There is no suture removal in this procedure because the sutures I put in the surgery are meltable sutures.

.  You wear the corset I gave you during surgery for three weeks.

. Then, of course, you return to your social life with care.

. You walk forward so that the sutures in your abdomen are not burdened in the early days. You start standing up straight in four or five days.

You can return to your daily life one week after the surgery.  You can start sports except for abdominal movements after three weeks. All sports activities are permitted after six weeks.

How long will the results of the operation last?

  • You can enjoy the results of this process for years. But the thing to remember is that as we continue to age, there may be a little loosening over time.
  • Unfortunately, the result of the surgery may be adversely affected if you gain and lose weight quickly and intensively again.

Will there be a scar?

The incisions I hid in the bikini line diminish and fade over time. Abdominoplasty is not a scar-free surgery, but since the scars are hidden in your natural grooves, their prominence is weak and they are barely noticeable from the front.

This surgery, which gains abdominal fineness and tightness, is a very strong procedure in terms of its results despite your scar. Because no other procedure reveals these results as clearly as abdominoplasty.

For this reason, it is a surgery that I recommend and perform with great pleasure.

Combined Therapy

I can do this surgery on my own and as a part of body shaping. At that time, I can simultaneously plan Vaser liposuction or breast aesthetics in addition to abdominoplasty with Vaser liposuction or breast aesthetics with my patient.

A brief overview of abdominoplasty:

Anesthesia: General anesthesia

Technique: Removal of excess fat and skin in the abdomen.

Time: 120 minutes

Admission: 1 night

Pain: No

Edema: Mild to moderate

Suture: Removed after a week.

Scar: No

Normal Life: You can go back to your social life after a week.

Efficacy: Persistent for years.

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Upper Eyelid Aesthetics

Upper Eyelid Aesthetics

Hello everyone.

I have chosen this week’s plastic surgery procedure to be ‘Upper Eyelid Aesthetics.

Today, I will talk about the ‘Upper Eyelid Aesthetics’ through my treatment applications.

Are you ready?

The eye is one of the most important organs that make up our facial expressions. It transfers our feelings to the other person. In other words, it is one of the most important means of communication through which we express ourselves while socializing.

However, time and experiences can, unfortunately, affect the eye and the surrounding area, causing deformation.

Saggy or droopy upper eyelids, especially occurring after 35 years of age, cause a different facial expression.

This can portray us as someone different from who we are. How? By making us look tired, more nervous, or older than we are.

So, what are the benefits of plastic surgery in such cases? Thanks to the great options it offers, it allows us to work miracles by eliminating this problem in our upper eyelid.

What causes saggy upper eyelid?

Apart from genetic and familial factors; ageing, irregular sleeping patterns, and use of alcohol and cigarette may cause sagging and dropping in the eye region.

Just like in this patient.

Unfortunately, this patient came to me with the problem of saggy and droopy upper eyelid caused by factors such as excessive screen time and sleeping problems due to her busy pace of life.

There are both loosening and drooping in the upper eyelid of my patient. Again, some fat pads localized in the upper eyelid have been also bagged and herniated forwards.

She was unhappy with the expression she saw when looked at herself in the mirror.

As a result of a detailed analysis, I planned an upper eyelid surgery for her.

Any adult who has saggy or droopy upper eyelid complaints can have Upper Eyelid surgery.

What are the preoperative preparations?

As in every surgery, you need to stop using blood thinners such as aspirin a week ago. Also, I don’t want you to consume herbal teas during this time period.

During our interview, I ask if you have a chronic eye disease, like glaucoma. If any, I get an eligibility report from the relevant physician and then, prepare you for surgery.

Don’t worry, my clinic will inform you about these issues that I have mentioned and will follow your process.

How is the operation performed?

During this surgery, I partially remove excess skin tissue, muscle tissue and fat pads that cause sagging and drooping.

Apart from sagging, I can also inject fat to the edge of your upper eye bone, if I think necessary.

Of course, every surgery is very important. Upper eyelid surgery takes a short time and you don’t feel any pain.

What should be taken care of after the operation?

After the operation, I tape the area where I put stitches.

These tapes are important to prevent edema.

Ice application after the surgery is necessary to calm trauma.

Swelling or bruising around the eyes may occur in some patients, it is normal. All of these begin to decrease and recover after the third day.

In the first week, I recommend you to protect the area with stitches from trauma and water. You can take short showers after the stitches are removed.

Again in the first week, you should sleep with two pillows under your head and avoid being engaged in activities that will require you to tilt your head forward.

What kind of results do we achieve after the operation?

After the excess fat and skin in the eyelids are removed, the eye and area around the eye become more prominent.

The harmony of the eye expression with the eyebrow is achieved, ensuring that the person looks younger than his/her age.

Those seeing you after the operation notice the great energy of the expression around your eyes.

How long does the surgery take?

It takes about 45-60 minutes and is performed under local anesthesia.

Is the result achieved after Upper Eyelid Aesthetics surgery permanent?

Yes, it is a permanent solution.

Will there be any scars after the surgery?

Barely noticeable scars remain, but these scars are placed inside your eyelid line and are not visible. The mild pinkness occurring in the first days after surgery disappears over time. It is important to use sun protection cream during the day.

What happens after the surgery?

Patients can return to their normal lives after having upper eyelid surgery.

Edema and mild bruising may occur but they don’t affect daily life and will disappear within a short period of time. One week later, the patient is called for control and stitches are removed.

How long does its effectiveness last?

The effectiveness of the operation lasts for years. However, by time and ageing can affect the results achieved.

Combined Treatment

I can perform this surgery alone or as a part of facial rejuvenation. In such cases, the most suitable options for the patient such as eyebrow lifting, lower eyelid aesthetics or facelift surgery are also included.

A Brief Overview of Eyelid Surgery

Anesthesia: Local anesthesia

Technique: Removal of excess oil and skin from the eyelid.

Duration: 60 minutes

Hospitalization: No

Pain: No

Edema: Mild

Stitch: Removed one week later.

Scars: No

Resuming Normal Life: Immediately.

Effectiveness: 5 years.

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I am an aesthetic surgeon and my name is Serdar Bora Bayraktaroğlu.

This is “Plastic Surgery of the Week” Vaser Hi-Def Liposuction!

I will tell you about this surgery, which is a miracle in muscle design and body contouring surgery, through this patient.


Vaser High Definition Liposuction, known as Vaser Hi-Def, is a unique special liposuction procedure applied to male and female patients.

In fact, we can call it a kind of liposculpture, or body design surgery with asymmetric fat removal.

Classically, I perform Vaser liposuction on my patients, but what is a Vaser?

Vaser is the process of melting fat using ultrasound energy. The Vaser device breaks down fat cells by focusing sound waves on fat cells with the help of a channel; you can imagine this as melting butter in a pan. I remove this fat tissue that is broken down and melted from your body by the liposuction method in the same surgery.

What are the differences between Vaser liposuction and Vaser Hi-Def liposuction?

As we know, our bodies are made up of layers of muscle. As these muscles wrap around our body, we can see that they are apparent or weak in certain areas and they are protected by a thin sheath in certain areas and this thin sheath may form some natural folds.

Vaser Target Liposuction is the procedure we perform to obtain a more muscular, athletic appearance in which the muscles and the grooves of these muscles are anatomically identified and the grooves of these muscles become apparent.

We do not use this type of muscle design and the target feature that provides this type of asymmetric fat removal when removing excess fat tissue in the classic Vaser lipo procedure.

Because the patients for whom both are suitable are different and both have different duration of surgery, postoperative, and recovery periods.

We can remove fats in certain regions with classic liposuction whereas we can also remove fats in thinner areas with Vaser Hi-Def. We highlight the body’s grooves by removing excess fat from the body as if it were a lace job.

All right, let’s take a look at this patient.

My patient is a 43-year-old young healthy male, eats healthy and exercise; however, this patient’s body is tight even though his body is fatty and this is an advantage for us.

He stated that he had been working out for a long time and had not achieved the muscular appearance he had imagined, and asked me to transform him into a more muscular, athletic body when he first applied to me.

Well, let’s take a look at what I see in my patient.

In fact, my patient’s body is obviously very muscular, but these muscles are trapped inside his fatty body.

The breast area is fatty and this fattening extends to the armpit, this is what we call gynecomastia, which is the female breast appearance in men, and for an athletic body, this fatty appearance needs to be reduced and the chest muscles need to become prominent.

The abdominal area is fatty and the fattening of the abdominal area makes the waist look thick and the absence of a body cavity makes the upper body of the patient look short.

The waist area is quite thick as you can see.

The folds to his groin are slightly defined.

Although his arms are muscular, they are bulky and muscle grooves are not visible.

Now, let’s talk about the process itself, how is the Vaser target performed?

We shape the body with ultrasonic waves.

There is no scarring since we perform liposuction with very thin cannulae.

Vaser Hi-Def application is performed under general anesthesia in a hospital environment.

It takes approximately 3-5 hours depending on the patient’s condition.

We melt and remove the fat in the fatty areas with Vaser and liposuction cannulae through small incisions as I have just explained.

We apply a detailed and fine workmanship treatment in every area we want to give the appearance of natural muscle.

There are tubes called drainage in the areas where the procedure is performed after the Vaser target procedure. These drains help to remove the edema fluid collected inside so that the edema is less and lasts shorter and the results are more effective.

Let’s take a look at the after picture of my patient.

Thinning and a more muscular pectoral image was formed in the thoracic region of the patient, the borders of the thoracic muscle were more defined.

Abdominal muscles and grooves are defined, the transition to the groin is quite defined, the under-belly skin is almost fat-free.

We obtained a very fit appearance since the waist was thinned; the grooves and folds descending from the waist to the groin of the patient became very prominent and formed a masculine appearance.

You can also see the deltoid and biceps muscle grooves in his arms become prominent.

The results are very athletic masculine and impressive as in this patient.

We all move less with the comfort of modern life. As such, our body is experiencing fattening problems, especially in some areas.

That’s why our silhouette is thicker than it should be. Therefore, it is the technology that melts the fats like melting butter in a pan and allows us to retrieve them with the Vaser technology developed.

And for whom is the Vaser target procedure suitable? I think the most important parameter for the Vaser target will be the question of whether you are the right patient.

I’d like to start by asking who is not suitable for you. The following patients are not

Those who are overweight

Those with excessive sagging

Those who do not eat healthily

Those who do not exercise regularly

Best candidates are revealed when the not-suitable group is formed.

We have criteria to see if you are a suitable patient in pre-procedure examinations. For example, you are ideal if your fat-body mass index is around 20-25%.

This means that

Lightweight and tight bodies

Those who eat healthily

Regular athletes are ideal candidates for this target Vaser liposuction.

I did not discriminate between men and women here, but I think the Hi-Def procedure is more accurate in men, but of course, women are also ideal, but the excessive muscular appearance does not look aesthetic in the female body.

So what kind of Hi-Def do I propose for women?

I find the results in which the grooves become evident more elegant than the excessive muscular appearance, and I recommend this if my female patients meet the above criteria.

Which regions is the Vaser target performed on?

Of course, the answer to this question lies in the process. Anywhere to make you look muscular is suitable for the Vaser target. So what are these regions?

  • Arms, muscle grooves, deltoid line become prominent
  • The prominence of your breast circumference, pectoral muscle, increases
  • Your abdomen and six-pack muscles become prominent and highlight their relationship with oblique muscles.
  • Your waist and waist groove appear and your waist becomes thinner.
  • The latissimus dorsi, which is your back and wing muscles, reveals the prominence and groove of your muscle.
  • Your groin and groin-waist line, groin-abdomen line become prominent and defined.

Do you lose weight with this surgery?

Any area of the body that has excess fat, i.e. arms, legs, hips, abdomen, and back, can be treated. However, we can only take a certain amount of fat. So this is not a weight-loss operation.

Who is not suitable?

Vaser Hi-Def application is not performed on very thin or very overweight patients.

I do not recommend it to patients who lose excessive weight and have sagging skin

A special corset is worn at the end of the operation. This corset prevents edema and ensures a comfortable recovery process.

Postoperative Process

We host you at the hospital for 1 night on the day of the operation. The tiny edema and pain that occur are controlled by the medications I will give you.

I will discharge you to your home the next day. You will take the painkillers and antibiotics I give you carefully. I will remove your drainage at the first checkup. Your early edema may increase in the first two days, and this is a natural process. You’ll see your edema decrease after 3 days.

You can gradually return to your normal life after the third day. However, I suggest you start your daily life full of sports and intense activity after 2 weeks.

Your body will need some rest after the Vaser Hi-Def operation. You need to consider this process as a fresh start. Taking time for yourself has positive effects in terms of the outcome of the surgery in this process.

A protein-weighted diet, a smoking- and alcohol-free diet, and consuming plenty of fluids are important for you to have a quality recovery.

We can see the results immediately after Vaser Hi-Def surgery. The changes in the area where the procedure is performed are noticed immediately after the use of the corset is over.

Combination Therapy

I combine it with other surgeries if I deem this surgery necessary. We also have the chance to use the fats we take from you in other regions. For example, I can inject fat into the areas needed on your face.

A Brief Overview of Vaser Hi-Def Application:

Anesthesia: General anesthesia

Technique: Removal of excess body fat.

Duration: 3-4 hours

Admission: 1 night

Pain: No

Edema: Mild to moderate

Stitches: No

Scar: No

Normal Life: You can go back to your social life in two weeks.

Effectiveness: Persistency for years.

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FALSE: With Septorhinoplasty operations, you can only find solutions to your breathing problems.

TRUE: Aesthetic changes are also successfully performed while breathing complaints are eliminated by Septorhinoplasty surgery.

FALSE: Scar remains is open method.

TRUE: Today, it is almost impossible to notice scars after 6 months in Rhinoplasty operations performed by open method.

FALSE: The tampon placed in the nose after surgery causes afflict and pain.

TRUE: The cloth buffer used in the early years of rhinoplasty replaced the air silicone buffer. Air silicone, which is easily removed without any afflict and pain, also helps the patient breathe thanks to the holes in it.

FALSE: A nose that has undergone rhinoplasty surgery does not look natural.

TRUE: The purpose of rhinoplasty surgery is to improve the appearance and create a more balanced face. Depending on the ability and experience of the doctor, the nose will be natural.


Aesthetic and Plastic Surgeon Dr. Serdar Bora BAYRAKTAROĞLU


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Our nose is one of the most important parts of the respiratory system. A nose that cannot breathe is not healthy, no matter how beautiful it looks. This problem in the respiratory system is caused by deformities in the septum area. Patients who have only breathing problems can get rid of the boredom they experience with Septoplasty.

The way to get rid of breathing problems and have a more beautiful nose in an aesthetic sense is through Septorhinoplasty.

In Septorhinoplasty operations, problems such as deviated septum, polyp, nasal flesh that negatively affect breathing in our nose are intervened and corrected and the problem is fixed. During the same operation, the cartilage, soft tissue and bone structure that make up our nose are reshaped. Aesthetic changes are also successfully performed while breathing problems are eliminated by Septorhinoplasty surgery.


  • Patients over the age of 18 who have breathing problems in their nose.
  • Patients in the child age group are also operated on if necessary.



During the operation, the curved parts of the bone and cartilage are corrected. Parts that are too curved to be corrected are removed. Sometimes some of these cartilage removed is corrected and replaced. Nasal septum deviation is usually seen in patients with nasal flesh swelling. During surgery, the flesh of the nose is evaluated. If necessary, the lower conchae are reduced.


After Septoplasty operations, there are no changes in the shape of the nose, but in patients undergoing Septorhinoplasty operations, there is a change in the shape of the nose.


Rhinoplasty is an operation to change the structure, tissue and appearance of the nose. At the end of these operations, the appearance of the nose is improved, while breathing is also corrected. Septorhinoplasty, on the other hand, is the process of regulating the cartilage and bone structure that separates the nasal septum, that is, the inner part of the nose, to breathe.


  • Depending on the patient’s condition, they are discharged on the same day.
  • Facial pain, edema, and bruising are less.
  • If a perforated silicone splint that allows breathing through the nose is used, it is removed on the fifth day.
  • On the fifth day, plastic splints are removed.
  • After 2 weeks, light-paced exercises can be started, and after 6 weeks, heavy-paced exercises can be started.
  • The nose gets its true shape at the end of 6 months.


Women can smell much better than men.

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Face Lift

Face Lift


‘Face lift surgery’ can be performed in male and female patients over the age of 40 with a loss of volume and sagging on the face. Facial Rejuvenation operations performed according to the needs of the face are three types as follows: Upper face rejuvenation, Mid-face rejuvenation, Lower face and neck stretching.


In this operation, the forehead area, temples, eyebrows and upper eyelids are stretched. Endoscopic and open forehead stretching operations, temple stretching, eyebrow lifting, eyebrow straps, upper eyelid surgery (upper blepharoplasty) and botox applications are also performed in this operation to support the treatment.


The lower eyelids, cheeks and cheekbones are stretched in this type of upper surgery. Lower eyelid surgery (lower blepharoplasty), endoscopic mid-face lift, mid-face lift operations performed from the lower lid, mid-face straps, fat injections and fillings can also be performed together with this surgery.


These operations performed to recover the sagging and volume losses in the lower face and neck area. Along with the lower face and neck lift surgery performed in this area, the face and neck area are restored to the patient’s former state of tension. With this process, peelings, different skin peeling operations and non-surgical rejuvenation operations can also be planned in the same session.


You can successfully use the results of surgery for a long time. But the aging process continues, and some relaxation and sagging occurs over time in stretched areas. However the face does not return to the state before the surgery. Depending on the technique used and the characteristics of the patient, the permanence of the operation may vary.


Face lift surgery can be applied to different age groups with different techniques. The technique that we apply to people in their 40s is different from that is applied to people after the age of 65. With developing technology, face lift operations are now performed in a very comfortable manner.


Especially over the age of 40, with the effect of both time and gravity, percentage volume loss, wrinkles and sagging begin to be seen. In some patients, including wrinkles in the neck area, protective treatments such as botox and fillers are not effective. In such cases, face lift surgery is the definite solution.


After a face lift, patients are kept in the hospital for 1 night. They are discharged the next day. There is a small risk of swelling and bruising. Bruises in the first week, swelling in a few weeks substantially reduced.

Stitches are removed in 5-7 days. The patient can take a bath 48 hours after surgery.

It may take three weeks for the swelling and bruises to heal. But it can take three months for the face to fully fit and take its final shape, depending on the thickness of the skin and the process performed.

As after all facial operations, the patient must protect himself/herself from direct sunlight for 3 months.


At first, as with any surgery, tiny scars that disappear and become unclear over time are seen in face lift surgery.

Scars that occur after face lift surgery settle in front and back of the ear, on the lower eyelid, on the upper eyelid, and near the scalp. They are not visible. These scars become very slight in the first few months, while they become invisible within months.

Face lift techniques may differ in male and female patients. In male patients, the scars are planned so that the beard line does not approach the front of the ear with a line slightly ahead of the ear.

Patients who have face lift surgery are much younger and fitter than their peers. In the examinations carried out in our clinic, the patient’s skin characteristics and anatomical structure are well analyzed and a special planning is carried out for the patient. But it is necessary for the patient to pay attention to his/her life and skin after surgery to maintain the results long and successfully.


After a face lift, we should pay special attention to our skin. In accordance with the suggestions we will give you after the operation, warm bathing, light massages and special washing products will speed up the recovery. In addition, with the care treatments that our beautician will apply in our clinic, it will provide a healthy recovery and protect the results of the surgery.


False: I can’t have a face lift surgery at an early age.

True: According to the genetic structure of some faces, sagging may occur at an early age. In such cases, if your surgeon deems appropriate, you can have surgery. The criterion here is not your age, but the rate of sagging in your skin.

False: Face lift surgery is not performed after the age of 60.

True: Face lift surgery can be performed at age 60 and beyond. If the patient is healthy and willing to have a face lift, there is no problem with the operation.

False: At the end of a face lift, my mouth corners is pulled up.

True: At the end of a face lift, your mouth corner is definitely pulled up. Your mouth corner is balanced and the result is very natural. There’s never a synthetic image like The Joker face. Your surgeon’s experience in this issue and the results he received in previous patients will be a reference for you.

Aesthetic and Plastic Surgeon / Dr. Serdar Bora BAYRAKTAROĞLU



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Fat İnjections

Fat İnjections


The patient’s own fat is taken by liposuction or vaser liposuction method and injected into areas that are missing and empty. It is one of the best methods for butt enlargement and plumping. In the butt, sufficient adipose tissue is needed to ensure equality on the right and left sides. Fat cells from the designated areas are taken without damage and injected into the missing places after undergoing a special procedure. It is a healthy and natural method because the patient’s own adipose tissue is used.


  • After surgery, one night hospitalization is required.
  • After the operation, you may have difficulty moving for several days, you may experience whining and pain.
  • Edema and a little bruising may occur. The edema and bruising that occur will disappear at the end of the fourth week.
  • A special corset is worn for a month after application.
  • The corset is only removed when bathing.


Aesthetic and Plastic Surgeon Dr. Serdar Bora BAYRAKTAROĞLU


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Fat İnjections

Fat İnjections


Fat injection method today has a wide field and growing popularity in aesthetic and cosmetic surgery. Filling operations with fat cells obtained from a person’s own body are used in many parts of the body to both rejuvenate and beautify.


Fat to be injected is usually taken from a part of the body by liposuction. Fat cells undergoing a special process are then injected into the areas to be corrected. Since the filling material is your own texture, there is no reaction or rejection. The process can be repeated several times to achieve the desired result.


The most common area of use is the face area, where the traces of past years are reflected more quickly. Other areas where fat injection method is often used are breast, butt, hands and legs.


  • Those who want to put small breasts in shape, remove sagging and have more alive and large breasts,
  • Those who are not satisfied with the shape of their leg, those who have problems with lipoidosys, those who have thin knees and ankles,
  • Excessively thin areas under the knee and small curvature of the leg contour,
  • Patients with a weak or flat butt and a collapsed butt area.


As age progresses in the facial area, soft tissue loss occurs, subcutaneous tissue weakens and the skin thins. In this case, the nasal and lip lines and Marionette lines deepen. Fat injection can be performed on the temples, supraorbital, upper eyelids, under the eyes, Middle face area, tops of cheekbones, tear grooves, nose – lip lines, Marionette lines, chin tip, edges of the lower jaw bone. Fat injections in the face area provide a skin renewal and filling effect.

RENEWAL EFFECT: Stem cells contained in fat provide a renewal effect. This effect enhances collagen synthesis. As a result, the skin becomes moist, wrinkles and spots decrease, rejuvenation begins.

FILLING EFFECT: Adipose tissue is also a filling material, such as collagen fillings. Deep lines are filled with the procedure, cheekbones, lips, brow edges, eye area, jaw tip and jaw contour are improved. Facial expression becomes aesthetically evident.


Fat injections applied to the face and the restorative effects they provide are highly permanent.


  • Facial fat injections are performed in the operating room and take about 1 hour depending on the area.
  • Patients usually discharged on the same day.
  • Some swelling and bruising may occur during the first 2 days.
  • After 3 weeks, the face returns to normal.
  • The face should be protected from the sun for 3 months after the operation.


Long and smooth legs make a woman look more attractive than she is. In order to beautify the leg, fat is taken from the overweight parts by surgical methods. It is aimed to make the appearance of the entire leg from the hip to the ankle more beautiful by supporting it with a prosthesis on the legs that are very weak. Fat injection is a good method to remove leg curvature. Some patients don’t have enough fat in their bodies. In these patients, leg curvature is removed with Hyaluronic Acid filling.


The resulting shape is permanent. But if collagen injections such as Macrolane were applied, this effect should be renewed, as it disappears within 1 year. Patients needs to take care of their shape.


  • According to the procedure performed, the operation is between 1 and 4 hours.
  • Usually on the same day, the patient returns home but stays in the hospital for 1 evening if necessary.
  • Corset is used for about 3 weeks after Liposhaping applications.
  • It is not recommended to stand and walk much in the first weeks.
  • After the sixth week, the patient returns to her/his daily life.


The persistence of the injected fat becomes apparent within 3 – 6 months and injections can be repeated at the end of this period if necessary.

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FALSE: VelaShape does not apply to every region.

TRUE: It can be done in any region. It can be applied with different apparatus to the abdomen, lower-upper legs, buttocks, upper arms and face areas that are problematic.

FALSE: The patient feels pain during VelaShape treatment.

TRUE: No. In the VelaShape process, the patient feels a comfort similar to a warm deep tissue massage.

FALSE: The VelaShape is not certified.

TRUE: The effects of VelaShape device on thinning and cellulite reduction are approved by the FDA, which is the American Drug Administration.

FALSE: VelaShape and UltraShape are slimming devices.

TRUE: No. The purpose of devices is not to get rid of excess weight. It helps you get rid of regional lipoidosys that you can’t give, even though you are dieting and exercising. It provides thinning and tightening.

FALSE: With UltraShape and VelaShape III, only regional thinning is achieved.

TRUE: No. Both of them can help you get rid of the cellulite problems you’re experiencing.

FALSE: Anyone can get a UltraShape.

TRUE: For patients with a body mass index below 30% and regional fat lipoidosys, the application of UltraShape is an ideal option.


Aesthetic and Plastic Surgeon Dr. Serdar Bora BAYRAKTAROĞLU



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Velashape III

Velashape III


The FDA-approved VelaShape III application, while destroying excess adipose tissue, also produces a successful non-surgical solution to the need to recover the skin that stretched after pregnancy. VelaShape III, which also corrects cracks caused by non-pregnancy causes, provides examination with a couple of sessions.


Velashape III is a high-tech device. Infrared rays are given to the area with the vacuum used in the application. Adipose tissue is quickly heated to ensure safe shaping.


VelaShape III is a very comfortable and frequent non-surgical treatment. After the patient has made the necessary checks to the surgeon, the sessions are determined according to the situation that occurs. With a couple of sessions with the application of radio frequencies, your body tightens, cellulite is destroyed.


After Velashape III, the skin tightens and recovery occurs in the loosening area. While achieving overall smoothness in the structure of the skin, you get rid of the cellulite.


The result obtained after treatment retains its effect for a long time. But the persistence of this result also depends on the patient’s lifestyle. With a trio of healthy living, diet and sports, the persistence of treatment can be increased.


With VelaShape III application, thinning up to 2 cm can be achieved in the abdomen and thighs.


UltraShape satisfies the patient by providing regional thinning while reducing regional lipoidosys problems with its fat burning feature. UltraShape destroys fat in the body without damaging blood vessels, nerves and connective tissue. Fat cells in a predetermined area are destroyed by sound waves, and the destroyed fat is digested and removed from the body.


For patients with a body mass index below 30% and regional fat lipoidosys, the application of UltraShape is an ideal option. It is also the best alternative for patients who do not lean towards to surgery.


It is applied to the waist, hip line and abdomen.


It takes about 1 – 1.5 hours depending on the size of the region.


UltraShape, one of the best alternatives to surgical treatments, results in thinning of the waist area up to 2 cm even in a single session. If the patient continues diet and sports with this application, they can achieve more positive and lasting results.


  • After the UltraShape procedure, there is no damage to the skin, swelling or discomfort after treatment.
  • After the application, the patient returns to his / her daily life.
  • The results are long-lasting and literally destroy adipose cells.
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Facts About Upper Face Lift

Facts About Upper Face Lift

Aesthetic and Plastic Surgeon



FALSE: No scars remain after surgery.

TRUE: After each operation, there is a small scar left. Depending on the preferred surgical technique, skin incisions are made in different areas. Since these incisions are made through the natural layers, lines and scalp of the skin, the scars that will occur after healing are also hidden in these areas.

FALSE: All the lines on the face disappear.

TRUE: Upper Face Lift does not eliminate superficial wrinkles located under the eyes or around the mouth. In order to eliminate these lines, methods such as Botox, filler, laser or chemical peeling are applied.

FALSE: Interventions create an unnatural, plastic look.

TRUE: In the right hands, a natural stretched face is achieved in operations performed correctly. After face lift operations, there should be a significant natural tension compared to before.





The face wears out for different reasons. Environmental and genetic effects, smoking, alcohol, diseases, sun and even not eating well also cause premature aging of the skin.

There may be those waiting for future years for operations to stretch the skin of the face. But due to skin characteristics and external factors, surgery is a good option for those who have loosened the skin of the face and neck from the age of 35-40 and for those want to see themselves younger.


Upper Facial Rejuvenation procedures are performed in accordance with the natural structure of the person, in order to slow down and reverse the aging process that he has undergone without differentiating it. Generally, men and women over the age of 35 are candidates for this operation.


It is applied to the sagging and lost volume upper face area, around the forehead and eyes to make the face more aesthetic.


Upper Face Lift surgery is performed in the hospital. It is performed under sedation or general anesthesia. The duration of the operation takes about 3 hours according to the procedures to be performed.


After surgery, the aging process continues, and there is some relaxation and sagging in the stretched areas over the years, but this condition does not return to before surgery. Depending on the technique used and the characteristics of the patient, the duration of the operation varies.


Our face is like our ID card. It expresses us everywhere, reflects our energy. But sometimes we can neglect our face from the intensity. In this case, the slightest loss of volume or sagging on the face can make you tired and older than you are, even if you are rested.

In such cases, Upper Face Lift surgery is usually a rejuvenating intervention against sagging and volume loss in the upper face and forehead area of the person. Aging, unhealthy diet, insomnia and sagging on this area due to your genetic history are resolved by a Upper Face Lift surgery.

Aesthetic surgery procedures performed correctly and without exaggeration can provide a softer and more beautiful aging of a person. Upper Face Lift surgery, like all face lift operations, allows you to age beautifully and naturally.


As a result of the examinations and decision of your surgeon Serdar Bora Bayraktaroglu, these are procedures that can be performed according to the needs of the patient. This operation is a procedure in which forehead stretching, eyebrow lifting and upper eyelid operations can be performed together. According to the needs of the patient, one or more of them can be applied as additional treatment in face lift surgery. In addition, fat injection can be applied as a complement during Upper Face Lift surgery.


A tired expression occurs over time in the area of the eyebrows that are sagging and experience loss of volume. To eliminate this, Eyebrow Lifting is performed. This can be done alone, as well as in combination with forehead stretching, upper eyelid, and fat injections around the eyes.


Upper Face Lift surgery is performed in the hospital. It is performed under sedation or general anesthesia. The duration of the operation takes about 3 hours according to the procedures to be performed.


  • After face lifts, patients are kept in the hospital overnight. The next day the patient is discharged.
  • Swelling and bruising are greatly reduced within a week.
  • Stitches are removed after 6-7 days.
  • The patient can take a bath 48 hours after surgery.
  • Swelling and bruising may take 2-3 weeks to pass.
  • It can take several months for the face to fully fit and take its final shape, depending on the thickness of the skin and the procedures performed.
  • As after all facial operations, the patient must protect himself from the sun for 1 year.
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Tıp Rhinoplasty

Tıp Rhinoplasty

FALSE: With Tip Rhinoplasty, you can also get rid of the problematic image on the ridge of the nose.

TRUE: Tip Rhinoplasty does not provide any benefit for the image on the ridge of the nose.

FALSE: All rhinoplasty surgeries are performed in the same method.

TRUE: Each nose structure is unique and personalized planning should be done.

FALSE: After rhinoplasty, the tip of the nose drops!

TRUE: in rhinoplasty operations performed with the right technique, the tip of the nose does not fall.

FALSE: A nose that has undergone rhinoplasty surgery does not look natural.

TRUE: The purpose of rhinoplasty surgery is to improve the appearance of the nose and create a more balanced face. Depending on the ability and experience of the doctor, the nose will be natural.


Aesthetic and Plastic Surgeon Dr. Serdar Bora BAYRAKTAROĞLU


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Tıp Rhinoplasty

Tıp Rhinoplasty


It is the name given to the aesthetics of the tip of the nose, which is made to solve the problems experienced at the tip of the nose. Usually this operation is applied for nose tip reduction and lift.

It is possible to eliminate problems such as low tip of the nose, nonapparent, disjoint, wide wings, weak support of the wings of the nose, bulbouse nose or square-looking bow of the tip of the nose with Tip Rhinoplasty.

In addition, with Botox and filler procedures applied today in non-surgical nose aesthetics, you can also have the nose you dream of in a few minutes.


Patients with a low, pointy or wide tip of the nose.


The operation is usually performed with a small incision, opening from invisible parts of the nose. No complaints of scars. The suture scar completely heals and disappears over time.


In Tip Rhinoplasty, no intervention is made to the septum and inside the nose. The procedure is often performed with local anesthesia. There is no need for hospitalization for interventions that last on average 30 minutes. Tampons are not used in the nose.


After 40-50 years, the tip of the nose begins to sag slightly under the impact of gravity


After the operation, there is no fall or collapse in the nose. The results of surgery are permanent for life, unless a heavy blow is taken from the outside.


  • With tipplasty, which is a comfortable and painless procedure, you have a more compatible and aesthetic nose.
  • After Tip Rhinoplasty, the patient can spend the night at home.
  • Compared to classical Rhinoplasty, bruising never occurs, and swelling is only at the tip of the nose, but quickly dissipates.
  • A bandage is applied to the tip of the nose with small bands for the first week. It is removed after 5-7 days.


They are divided into 14 groups as physical structure.

Fleshy nose,

Greek nose,

Hawk nose,

Roman nose,

Snub nose,

Bulbouse nose,

Aquiline nose,

Nixon nose,

The other 6 noses are classified with pictures but do not have names.

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Hair Transplant

Hair Transplant

FALSE: Hair transplant is performed only once.

TRUE: If the hair in the area where the hair will be taken is sufficient for the area where the hair will be transplanted, transplantation can be performed as many times as desired.

FALSE: Those who have fine stranded hair can not have a hair transplant.

TRUE: Hair transplant is also performed for people with fine stranded hair. The only downside to being fine-stranded is that they need to have more hair transplantation than normal or thick-stranded hair.

FALSE: Hair transplantation is not performed in summer.

TRUE: The information that hair transplantation is not in summer is incorrect. Hair transplantation can be done in all seasons. Patients who have hair transplantation in summer should avoid too much heat for 2 to 5 days.

FALSE: Those who have white hair cannot have a hair transplant.

TRUE: No. It requires an operation that is challenging and demanding compared to normal hair transplantation. Special optical magnifiers are used in the operation of hair transplantation.

FALSE: Hair transplantation is painful.

TRUE: No. With the development of hair transplant techniques, hair transplantation is performed using very thin needles during the operation. Since local anesthesia is applied to the area to be transplanted, no pain is felt during the operation.


Aesthetic and Plastic Surgeon Dr. Serdar Bora BAYRAKTAROĞLU


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The FUE method is the most preferred and recommended technique for hair transplant. In the FUE method hair strands are taken one by one and then are transferred to the hairless area. Before the transplant, the hair strands in the transplant area are shortened to 1 mm, the hair strands to be transplanted (follicular units) are placed into the transplant area one by one. Since local anesthesia is administered, no pain is felt during the procedure.

The FUE method is not applicable to all patients. The procedure begins if the patient is found to be eligible after certain tests. In this procedure the healing occurs very rapidly so the patient can easily resume his/her daily activities. The number of hair strands that grow after the procedure is almost the same with the number of hair strands transplanted.

The FUE method can be applied to eyebrows and beard transplant procedures.

Eyebrows can be damaged and consequently get weaker and thinner due to scarring, burns, skin disorders and long-term eyebrow plucking. Eyebrow transplant with the FUE method involves the transplantation of hair follicles from the nape of the neck to the eyebrow area. Eyebrow transplant is performed based on the drawing of the desired shape.

Hair transplant for women
Women who suffer from cranial hair loss may also benefit from this procedure. The procedure in women can be applied without cutting the transplant area but will take longer.

**Who can have hair, eyebrow and beard transplant?
**Those who suffer from hair loss due to genetic factors or stress, depression, seborrheic skin disease, alopecia, etc...
- A procedure performed to treat loss of hair on the scalp, eyebrows and beard. 
- This procedure can be performed in the Clinic SBB and hospital.
- Dr. Serdar Bora Bayraktaroğlu will discuss the details of the procedure during your consultation.

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Aesthetic and Plastic Surgeon



Latest technology in non-surgical face tightening devices

Profound is the most successful non-surgical device for loss of elasticity, sagging, regional lipoidosys problems in the lower face and neck area.

Profound is the most effective micro-needling method

Micro needling method used in Profound device; because it affects the dermis layer deeply, it gives more effective results than many other micro needling devices.

Comfortable Application

With local anesthesia before and during treatment, the person does not feel pain or pain. There is a comfortable treatment process. In this way, the application is carried out very comfortably.

Impact In One Session

Profound is a face and body tightening application that shows its effect in one session and provides permanence with successful results for a long time.

Return To Normal Life In A Short Time

Profound is the most effective of the controlled thermal devices in the world, which are active in the face and body.




Face, jowl, neck

Profound gives effective results, especially in the lower face, jaw and jowl area where sagging is observed in people. This procedure, which is performed by heating the lower face, jaw and jowl area without surgery, aims to make the person have more stretched and tightened skin. By heating subcutaneous collagen at 70 degrees, tightening of the lower face, jowl and neck is achieved. Profound gives a successful result by dissolving fat in this area in people who complain of excessive fat in the jowl area. In addition to the treatment of tightening, rejuvenation and sagging in the face and neck area, Profound gives effective results in people with excessive lipoidosys problems in the jowl.

Leg and arm

It’s the most successful option without surgery for sagging legs and arms. Micro needling technology heats and tightens under the skin. It allows loose and sagging tissue to recover and take a tighter look.

Hip and Butt

Profound also treats cellulite formed in the hip, buttocks, butt and legs, which are the most problematic areas of the body. It heats the bottom of the skin and breaks the ligaments here, providing recovery and noticeable reduction in cellulite. It also tightens the sagging that occurs inside the leg and creates a successful result.


The process is a single session.


The person does not feel pain with local anesthetics performed before and during the session.


Processing time is an average of 45-60 minutes per area.


Yes, the process can be repeated after 1 year, depending on the person and the region made.


Profound is a very new and unique application that gives happiness with its superior results in non-surgical face and skin tightening treatments. Aesthetic and Plastic Surgeon Serdar Bora Bayraktaroglu spoke about Profound as follows: “Profound is groundbreaking in the field of non-surgical face and skin tightening in the world with its different and advanced technology that it uses. The device entered the agenda as the world’s most powerful radio frequency micro-needling device, which tightens skin, subcutaneous, adipose tissue and connective tissue with radio frequency energy. The feature that distinguishes Profound from other devices is that its micro-needling technology is very special. These needles measure the temperature of the area in which it processes 7 times per second, increasing the collagen temperature to approximately 70 degrees, allowing the collagen to tighten. The patient does not feel the heat with the cooling feature of the device. The device, which constantly monitors temperature by measuring, allows us to operate very reliably with this feature. This feature makes Profound unique in the world.”


After the procedure, a person may experience mild edema, which can last up to 4-7 days on average, and sometimes small regional bruising due to the needling process may occur on sensitive skin.


The patient begins to see its effects on average 6-8 weeks after the procedure. Net results are observed between 3-6 months.


The procedure provides permanence for an average of 2-3 years depending on the skin structure and lifestyle of the person.


Profound successfully treats cellulite problem with its powerful radio frequency energy.

Multiple Benefits Are Provided

Profound can also be used for skin tightening treatments on face or body sagging. It makes you happy with its successful results. It is an ideal option for patients who have not yet considered surgery.

More Aesthetic View

Profound is not intended for body contouring but helps other treatments to get rid of stubborn fats.

Success Guaranteed In One Session

A successful result is achieved in one session of treatment.

Improves Your Skin Quality During cellulite treatment, your skin will also get beautiful results by reducing the effect of orange peels in this area. Your skin texture becomes smooth.

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Post-Bariatric Surgery

Post-Bariatric Surgery


Weight loss after Bariatric surgery also causes relaxation and sagging in the arm area. Relaxation and sagging, especially on the elbow, are eliminated by arm stretching operations. Arm lift operations, which last about 1 hour, are performed with an L-shaped incision starting from the armpit and descending to the elbow. Excess skin is removed and the tension of the arm is increased. Liposuction can also be added to the operation in some patients with thick arms.


Sagging and fluctuation in the inside of the legs together with excessive weight loss are aesthetically disturbing to people. These sagging and fluctuations in the inner leg are not only aesthetically disturbing, but also functionally disturbing the patient by rubbing during walking. During thigh lift, the abundance of skin and regional deposits that occurs on the upper and inner sides of the leg is removed.


Aesthetic and Plastic Surgeon  Dr. Serdar Bora BAYRAKTAROĞLU


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Post-Bariatric Plastic Surgery

Post-Bariatric Plastic Surgery


Obesity is one of the biggest problems of our time. Excessive weight problem, along with various diseases, also affects a person’s quality of life and self-confidence.  Nowadays, Bariatric Surgery is extremely successful and achieving permanent results for this problem. Aesthetic problems also arise in many patients who give a large part of their body weight. Loose and sagging skin stack is one of these aesthetic problems. Rapid weight loss leads to sudden changes in body mass index, causing excessive soft tissue to disappear and therefore unnecessary skin to form. At this point, Post-Bariatric plastic surgery comes into play.


Excess skin is usually found in the abdomen, the upper arms, inside the thighs and above the back are often sagging places.


After bariatric surgery, Post-bariatric plastic surgery must necessarily be included in the process to reshape the body.

Operations in this process:

– Tummy tuck

– Back lift

– Breast aesthetics

– Neck and face lift

– Tight lift

– Arm lift


Aesthetic applications for sagging areas are performed by removing excess skin from the body. During and after the incision, the scars are made quite faint.


After excessive weight loss, sagging occurs in the face and neck area. These problems are solved by Face Lift surgery. If necessary, soft tissue loss is eliminated by fat injections to the face.


In patients who lose excessive weight, sagging and cracks often occur in the abdominal area. It is possible to fix this problem, which is one of the biggest factors that distorts beauty, with Tummy Tuck operations. These operations are Abdominoplasty and Mini-Abdominoplasty surgery. In Tummy Tuck operations, abdominal wall repair can also be performed according to the patient’s needs. Liposuction can be added in Tummy Tuck operations. For patients with lower back and upper abdominal lubrication, the addition of Liposuction may become necessary.


As a result of excessive weight loss, the butt area also experiences volume loss, flattens and sags. Sagging in the butt and hips area is pulled up by the Gluteoplasty / Buttock Lift method and excess parts are removed. In this process, the excess part is placed on the inside of the butt, resulting in a fuller image.


After weight loss, it is a surgical procedure to bring sagging breasts back to an upright position. For breast lift surgery, the patient and surgeon make the decision that the best result can be achieved. Breast lift surgery can be performed by 2 different methods. One method is implant and the other is fat injection. Excess fat in one’s own body is used in fat injection and breast lift operations.


Even if there is a significant reduction in the tissues in the back area with excessive weight loss, the skin, subcutaneous adipose tissue and muscles cannot recover enough. In back lift operations, excess skin is removed and a more aesthetic appearance is obtained.

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Facts About Mıd-Face Lift

Facts About Mıd-Face Lift

Aesthetic and Plastic Surgeon



FALSE: Face lifts are exclusive to women.

TRUE: Nowadays, men who want to look both younger and healthier also have facial rejuvenation surgery.

FALSE: The stretched face does not age, it is permanent.

TRUE: Science has yet to find a solution that stops aging. For this reason, although Face Lift surgeries are procedures that can maintain their effect for the longest time, people continue to age. After these surgical or non-surgical skin rejuvenation applications, new treatments are also needed.

FALSE: After surgery, face becomes very stretched and has a unnatural expression.

TRUE: In the right hands, a natural stretched face is achieved in operations performed correctly. After face lift operations, there should be a significant natural tension compared to before.





Age is not the only criterion for deciding on a face lift. The skin wears out, sags and loosens over time for different reasons. Environmental and genetic effects, smoking, alcohol, diseases, sun and even not eating well also cause premature aging of the skin. In such cases, surgery may be the solution at an early age. There is no need to wait for advanced age for operations to stretch the facial skin. For sagging skin for various reasons, this type of solutions can be produced from the age of 35-40.


Generally, men and women over the age of 35 are candidates for this operation. Facial Rejuvenation procedures are performed in accordance with the natural structure of the person, in order to slow down and reverse the aging process that he has undergone without differentiating it.


Facial Rejuvenation operation is performed to remove the deformation of the Middle face due to sagging in the middle part of the face, deep lines under the lower eyelid, grooves descending from the edge of the nose to the edge of the mouth, sagging at the edge of the jaw.


After surgery, the aging process continues, and there is some relaxation and sagging in the stretched areas over the years, but this condition does not return to before surgery. Depending on the technique used and the characteristics of the patient, the duration of the operation varies.


Our face is like our ID card. It expresses us everywhere, reflects our energy. But sometimes we can neglect our face from the intensity. In this case, the slightest loss of volume or sagging on the face can make you tired and older than you are, even if you are rested.

In such cases, Face Lift surgery is a surgical attempt to improve the elderly appearance caused by sagging and loss of volume in the lower eyelids and cheeks of a person.

In this region, aging, unhealthy diet, insomnia and sagging due to your genetic history are solved by Face Lift surgery. Aesthetic surgery procedures performed correctly and without exaggeration can provide a softer and more beautiful aging of a person. Face lift surgery, like all face lift operations, allows you to age beautifully and naturally.


As a result of the examinations and decision of your surgeon Serdar Bora Bayraktaroglu, in addition to endoscopic and classical lift operations, lower eyelid surgery (lower blepharoplasty) can also be performed according to the patient’s needs. In addition, fat injections, Botox and filler can be applied as a complement during face lift surgery.


Face Lift surgery is performed in the hospital. It is performed under sedation or general anesthesia. The duration of the operation takes about 3 hours according to the procedures to be performed.


After each operation, there is a small scar left. Depending on the preferred surgical technique, skin incisions are made in different areas. Since these incisions are made through the natural layers, lines and scalp of the skin, the scars that will occur after healing are also hidden in these areas.


  • After face lifts, patients are kept in the hospital overnight. The next day the patient is discharged.
  • Swelling and bruising are greatly reduced within a week. * Stitches are removed after 6-7 days. * The patient can take a bath 48 hours after surgery.
  • Swelling and bruising may take 2-3 weeks to pass.
  • It can take several months for the face to fully fit and take its final shape, depending on the thickness of the skin and the procedures performed.
  • As after all facial operations, the patient must protect himself from the sun for 1 year.
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FALSE: Patient can loose weight with Liposuction.

TRUE: In Liposuction practice, the goal is not to make the patient lose weight, but to eliminate regional deformities.

FALSE: Areas that have surgery after Liposuction gain more weight.

TRUE: Liposuction shapes your body, but if you eat irregularly, this shape may deteriorate again.

FALSE: Liposuction is a risky operation.

TRUE: If Liposuction surgery is performed by trained and experienced surgeons in properly selected patients with correct planning, the risk is not greater than other operations.

FALSE: The more fat is taken in liposuction, the better the result is.

TRUE: More important than the amount of fat taken in liposuction is to get the right amount of fat from the right area.


Aesthetic and Plastic Surgeon  Dr. Serdar Bora BAYRAKTAROĞLU


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Lipoidosis varies by body structure, gender, and race. Fat deposits in women usually occurs in the buttocks, waist circumference, under-belly, legs and necks. In men, there is fat deposits around the belly and waist, breasts and neck. With Liposuction, resistant local adipose tissues formed in the body are taken and regional thinning is provided.


Patients with normal or above-normal weight, but can not get rid of the problem of regional lipoidosis with sports and diet.


Incisions are opened at the appropriate point in the area where the thinning will be performed. From these incisions, the head of the Liposuction device is advanced and the fats are taken by vacuum. This application provides regional slimming.

Before / / After


It can be performed to many areas of the body. Liposuction application in abdomen, belly, back, waist circumference, buttocks, legs, back of legs, sides of legs, upper legs, chest and cellulite areas gives successful results.


Adipose tissues taken after Liposuction are not replaced with newly produced adipose tissues. But this does not mean that Liposuction treatment will be permanent for life, because adipose tissues can expand by volume. If the patient does not make changes in the form of nutrition after Liposuction treatment, if he does not include sports in his life, regional weight can become a problem again.


The purpose of Liposuction is not to make the patient lose weight. For this reason, there is no such goal as getting liters of fat. In an average Liposuction procedure, two to four liters of fat are taken. This amount rarely exceeds five liters. The highest amount of fat that can be taken without putting the patient at risk is 10% of their body weight. In other words, about 7 liters can be taken in a 70 kilogram patient.


– No need to dress. Cleaning of the area is done with warm water.

The patient pays attention to keeping the area dry.

Bathing can be done at the end of the third day. The bath must be made standing.

– Patient returns to normal life after using corset for 3 weeks.

No scar remains after the operation.


With the Vaser Liposuction, you can say goodbye to your regional fats, which you can not get rid of, especially with sports and diet. In Vaser Liposuction method, adipose cells in the area are dissolved with ultrasound energy and removed from the body. In addition, creating abdominal muscle is also possible thanks to Vaser High Definition.


Fats stacked in many areas such as abdomen, waist, buttocks, thighs, legs, knee circumference, lower leg, arms, tickle, ankles, back, nape can be taken with Vaser Liposuction. Especially with Vaser Liposuction, waist folds can be made more prominent.


Laser lipolysis is the process of dissolving fat with the help of thin and elastic cannulas only in subcutaneous adipose tissue with a certain frequency and wavelength. In order to remove regional fat excess and shape, abdomen, buttocks, waist, etc. it is used to achieve tension on the skin, which is loose in such areas. The biggest advantage of laser lipolysis systems is to ensure rapid tightening of the skin.


In the laser lipolysis process, laser energy dissolves the fat, while in classical liposuction, the process continues. Laser energy has a contribution to melting and tightening fat. This is the difference from classic liposuction.

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Tummy Tuck

Tummy Tuck

FALSE: You should not get pregnant after Tummy Tuck.

TRUE: Early pregnancy after surgery is not recommended, but patients who get pregnant can give birth in a healthy way. The patient is advised not to get pregnant anytime soon when deciding on this operation.

FALSE: After tummy tuck surgery, there is no lipoidosis in the operation area.

TRUE: If the patient does not eat a balanced diet after the operation, he / she will gain weight evenly throughout the body.

FALSE: After tummy tuck surgery, sports can not be done.

TRUE: It is recommended to start doing sports 1-2 weeks after the operation. At first, light walking followed by the exercise of the abdominal muscles will accelerate the healing process.

FALSE: After tummy tuck, the location of the belly button changes.

TRUE: After surgery, the location of the belly button does not change.


Aesthetic and Plastic Surgeon Dr. Serdar Bora BAYRAKTAROĞLU


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Tummy Tuck

Tummy Tuck


The abdominal area is one of the most rapidly deformed areas, especially in women, with weight loss during and after pregnancy. Giving birth specifically loosens the abdominal skin, causes it to crack and camber. In Tummy Tuck operations, tightness and tension of the abdominal wall muscles are achieved by removing the adipose tissues and excess skin located in the middle and lower abdomen.


The most suitable candidates for Tummy Tuck surgery are healthy people who cannot eliminate excess tissue in the abdominal wall by diet and exercise. Although this operation is mostly preferred by female patients, it is also an operation that male patients often need.


Tummy tuck operations are ‘Abdomiplasty surgery’ and ‘Mini-Abdomiplasty surgery’. Abdominal wall repair can also be done according to the patient’s needs. Liposuction can be added If the patient has an excess of fat in Tummy Tuck operations.


It is suitable for patients with cracks and sagging of the skin of the abdomen. In Abdomiplasty operations, excess fat is first taken with Liposuction or Vaser Lipolysis. Then the abdominal wall is pulled up and the loosened abdominal muscles are sewn together.


One of the biggest risks before all surgeries is being overweight. Overweight patients barely stand up after surgery, and their wounds heal later. This also causes lung problems to occur more frequently. According to this information, especially obese patients are advised to lose weight before surgery.


Mini-Abdomiplasty is performed only in patients with excess skin under the navel and not above the navel. Before the procedure, excess fat is taken by Liposuction or Vaser Lipolysis methods and given an aesthetic shape.


– Abdominal corset is worn after surgery.

– After 1 week, patients can return to their daily lives.

-After the operation, the patient is fed and can stand up after 3-4 hours.

-In the first days, they must walk slightly bent forward so that they do not put pressure on the stitches.

– They can lie on their sides the night after surgery.

– After 3 weeks, sports can be started, except for abdominal movements.

– After 6 weeks, all sports activities can be done.


Both Tummy tuck and Liposuction are practices for reshaping the abdominal wall. Liposuction ensures that excess adipose tissue in the abdominal wall is absorbed and removed, while the skin is not removed and the abdominal wall muscles are not tightened.


For a post-pregnancy tummy tuck surgery, the body needs to be fully formed, which is at least 6-7 months after the birth.

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Genital Aesthetics

Genital Aesthetics

FALSE: Enlargement of the vagina occurs only in women who have given birth.

TRUE: No. In some women, structurally, the vaginal area may be wider. This discomfort can also be observed in women at a young age and who have not given birth before.

FALSE: After Labioplasty surgery, the patient can return to his sex life.

TRUE: No. The patient can return to normal sex life after 3-4 weeks.

FALSE: Genital Bleaching with laser is harmful.

TRUE: No. The penetration of laser light into the skin is only a few millimeters. This procedure, which does not go deep, does not damage the menstrual order, ovaries or uterus area.

FALSE: G-spot amplification operations are permanent.

TRUE: Effect of the G-spot amplification process lasts about 6-12 months.

FALSE: Genital Aesthetic practices reduce orgasm.

TRUE: No. When aesthetic concerns experienced in the Genital area are resolved, the pleasure felt during sexual intercourse also increases in functionally.


Aesthetic and Plastic Surgeon  Dr. Serdar Bora BAYRAKTAROĞLU


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Genital Aesthetics

Genital Aesthetics


The World Health Organization explains sexuality as a combination of the emotional, social and physical aspects of a person’s personality, communication and love enriching effects. But the female body can succumb to time due to childbirth and deformations. Genital Plastic Surgery is plastic surgery of the genitals. It allows the patient to continue his life in a healthy and happy way by analyzing the destructive effects caused by aesthetic and functional problems occurring in these organs by surgical or non-surgical means.

A healthy sex life goes through a healthy body. Body forms that wear out and change, especially in the birth processes, can cause a lack of self-confidence in women. This unhappiness caused by a lack of self-confidence negatively affects his inner circle.


When the female body goes through a period where births, deformations, weight loss and aging are intertwined, it leads to problems in the genital area as well as in other parts of the body. Genital aesthetics step in if the patient are not satisfied with their sexual organs, shape, vision and function. It is possible to fix some of these problems with Aesthetic Plastic Surgery initiatives. Genital aesthetic problems in women can sometimes be treated with surgical interventions and sometimes with clinical applications.



Labioplasty, Cliteroplasty, Loss of volume and color changes of external genital organs.


Vaginoplasty, G-Spot Amplification, Hymenoplasty (Restoration of the hymen)



Labioplasty is one of the most common genital aesthetic problems in women. It is performed in order to fix the outward overflow and sagging of the inner lips located in the Genital area. In addition to its aesthetic appearance, the labioplasty process, which is performed to eliminate the problem that causes many ailments in health, takes an average of 30-40 minutes. During the trimming of the inner lips, skin residues that are excess on the clitoris may also need to be mostly removed. The results obtained are long-term and permanent solutions.


Also known as Vaginoplasty, is a treatment method for restoring the vagina to its former state. Vaginal rejuvenation surgery is performed for women who have problems such as childbirth, aging, relaxation of the vaginal muscles. Vaginal rejuvenation surgery allows you to remove the enlarged vaginal tissue and tighten the soft tissue and muscles around the vagina. Elements that disturb the patient and affect self-confidence are eliminated by surgical rejuvenation (narrowing) or tightening with laser and radiofrequency.


The shape, structure and size of the clitoris differ in each woman. Birth or other factors do not cause this difference. Some women have more skin folds in the clitoris area, which is the most erectile area of women. This condition irritates the woman aesthetically and makes it difficult to stimulate the clitoris. This condition, which also leads to problems with orgasm and sexual pleasure, is corrected with clitoris reduction surgeries.


G-spot is found in the vast majority of women, but its location may vary. Because the G-spot is less stimulated during sexual intercourse, the ceiling of the vagina thickens with the action of the hormone estrogen, and the prominence of the G-spot decreases. This, in turn, causes the problem of orgasm. Women who experience orgasm problems due to vaginal birth, aging, and vaginal enlargement are suitable candidates for this treatment. By the G-spot amplification process known as orgasm vaccine, the area is made Fuller, fluffier and more protruding.


The hymen consists of a membrane-like tissue in front of the vaginal cavity of women, and the restoration is performed temporarily and permanently in two ways. In the treatment of hymen restoration, known as Hymenoplasty, two different ways are followed. First method 2-3 days before marriage or possible relationship, the area is narrowed by suturing with micro-surgery. The second method is Flap technique, which is performed by removing tissue from the vagina.



Laser and radiofrequency technology, which is used to make skin rejuvenation and tightening in many different areas of the body, is also used in genital area treatment today. Viveve radiofrequency application can solve the loss of relaxation and elasticity in the genital area without surgery due to reasons such as birth, multiple pregnancy, deformation due to aging.


For different reasons, problems such as darkening of color and blackening, can occur in the genital areas of women. One of the biggest factors in these problems in the Genital area is the excessive density of the hormone estrogen in the tissue. In the treatment of color darkening in the Genital area; chemical peeling and other skin peeling treatments are applied, but more successful results are obtained in laser genital area discoloration operations.

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Skin Care

Skin Care


Dermarolls needles drill micro holes into the dermis layer, where cracks occur. The body perceives this process as an injury and tries to repair the crack, it also increases collagen by triggering it. During this application, through the holes drilled by dermarolls, collagen serums, vitamins and minerals are also rapidly absorbed into the crack area.


We can apply it to any area where you want healing or tightening to happen. Effective results are observed, especially when performed on the abdomen, breasts, upper arms, back, thighs and buttocks.


It is preferred to be done in winter and autumn. Needling can also be done in spring and summer, when the power is reduced and patients effectively protect sun-viewing areas.


Redness is usual 4-6 hours after treatment.

If a cold compress is made, these redness will pass quickly.

Medical Aesthetics

Aesthetic and Plastic Surgeon Dr. Serdar Bora BAYRAKTAROĞLU


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Skin Care

Skin Care


Dealing with acne and blackheads, not cleaning makeup properly or sleeping with makeup, wear out the skin and lead to problems. Skin care, on the other hand, is the practice of cleaning the skin from dead skin in order to make it look healthier, maintain its roughness and freshness by cleaning the skin against these problems.


There is no age limit for skin care. Skin Care:

– Can clean and compress pores,

– Elimination of acne,

– Ensuring color equality in the skin,

Skin Care is can be done for clean the skin from environmental factors or spots that occur after birth.


Since the skin cycle is renewed every 28 days, it is recommended to do it once a month.


It varies according to the person’s skin problems. It takes between 25 minutes and 1 hour.


In anti-Aging applications, a person has healthier and fresher skin, while also providing rejuvenation of their skin with a lifting effect.


This skin care can be applied to any skin where loss of elasticity occurs. There is no age group.


It contains intense anti-aging ingredients in the products used. Anti Aging Skin Care is a care cure that helps to increase serious collagen, open fine lines and have smoother skin. It helps to prevent loss of elasticity in the skin with Lifting effect.


Anti Aging Skin Care takes about 45 minutes.

Is Skin Care an application that can be done in all seasons?

Any season can be done with peace of mind.

Acne treatment and chemical peeling

What is acne treatment?

It is a treatment that is applied for therapeutic purposes, minimizing the production of excess sebum and acne on the skin. It prevents excessive lubrication of the skin; it helps dry the acne that forms under and above the skin. It prevents the formation of new acne. It provides the treatment of acne scars on the skin, supported by chemical peeling. By gently peeling the dead layer on the skin, it allows the application area to be free from spots.


It is a treatment method applied against spots on the skin. This treatment, which contains many types of acid in it, helps to peel the dead layer of the skin and also to renew the skin cycle. In this way, the skin is free from spots and has a fresher and more vibrant appearance.


It can be applied to any age group with oily, acne and a thick skin layer.


The application of Chemical Peeling takes about 20 minutes.


It is recommended to do so during the winter season, as the skin will peel off for a period of time and increase sensitivity to the sun.

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Facts About Lower Face Lift

Facts About Lower Face Lift

Aesthetic and Plastic Surgeon



FALSE: Men don’t get face lift.

TRUE: Nowadays, men who want to look both younger and healthier also have facial rejuvenation surgery.

FALSE: Results are obtained quickly after a face lift.

TRUE: As with any surgery, the body and skin need a certain time to heal after a face lift operation. This healing process varies depending on factors that disrupt blood circulation, such as age, chronic diseases, or smoking, and recovery will take an average of two weeks.

FALSE: No scars remain after surgery.

TRUE: After each operation, there is a small scar left. Depending on the preferred surgical technique, skin incisions are made in different areas. Since these incisions are made through the natural layers, lines and scalp of the skin, the scars that will occur after healing are also hidden in these areas.





Age is not the only criterion for deciding on a face lift. The skin wears out, sags and loosens over time for different reasons. Environmental and genetic effects, smoking, alcohol, diseases, sun and even not eating well also cause premature aging of the skin. In such cases, surgery may be the solution at an early age.

There may be those waiting for future years for operations to stretch the skin of the face. But it occurs around the face and neck from the age of 35 to 40 with skin characteristics or external factors. In this case, this type of surgery can be performed at an early age.


Lower facial rejuvenation procedures are performed in accordance with the natural structure of the person, in order to slow down and reverse the aging process that he has undergone without differentiating it. Men and women over the age of 30, who usually have sagging and relaxation on their skin, are ideal candidates for this operation.


It is applied to the loosened and wrinkled neck area with the lower face area that has sagged and lost volume, to bring the face still more aesthetic.


After surgery, the aging process continues, and there is some relaxation and sagging in the stretched areas over the years, but this condition does not return to before surgery. Depending on the technique used and the characteristics of the patient, the duration of the operation varies.


Our face is like our ID card. It expresses us everywhere, reflects our energy. But sometimes we can neglect our face from the intensity. In this case, the slightest loss of volume or sagging on the face can make you tired and older than you are, even if you are rested.

In such cases, Lower Face Lift surgery is usually a rejuvenating intervention against sagging and volume loss in the lower face and neck area of the person. Aging, unhealthy diet, insomnia and sagging due to your genetic history are resolved by a Lower Face Lift surgery.

Aesthetic surgery procedures performed correctly and without exaggeration can provide a softer and more beautiful aging of a person. Lower Face Lift surgery, like all face lift operations, allows you to age beautifully and naturally.


Neck Lift surgery can be performed separately in cases where the jaw and neck arc disappear due to aging and lipoidosys in the neck area, where sagging and loss of volume is experienced. If combined with other face lift operations, more successful results are achieved


As a result of the examinations and decision of your surgeon Serdar Bora Bayraktaroglu, these are procedures that can be performed according to the needs of the patient. In addition, Neck Lift surgery can be performed as a complement during Lower Face Lift surgery.


Lower Face Lift is performed in the hospital. It is performed under sedation or general anesthesia. The duration of the operation takes about 3 hours according to the procedures to be performed.


  • After face lifts, patients are kept in the hospital overnight. The next day the patient is discharged.
  • Swelling and bruising are greatly reduced within a week. * Stitches are removed after 6-7 days. * The patient can take a bath 48 hours after surgery.
  • Swelling and bruising may take 3 weeks to pass.
  • It can take several months for the face to fully fit and take its final shape, depending on the thickness of the skin and the procedures performed.
  • As after all facial operations, the patient must protect himself from the sun for 1 year.
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FALSE: After rhinoplastY surgery, there is a problem with smell.

TRUE: After surgery, loss of smell can occur, although it is very rarely. This problem is caused by edema that occurs after surgery and it is temporary.

FALSE: After rhinoplasty, the tip of the nose drops!

TRUE: The tip of the nose does not fall in rhinoplasty operations performed with the right technique.

FALSE: The tampon placed in the nose after surgery causes afflict and pain.

TRUE: The cloth buffer used in the early years of rhinoplasty replaced the air silicone buffer. Air silicone, which is easily removed without any afflict and pain, also helps the patient breathe thanks to the holes in it.

FALSE: A nose that has undergone rhinoplasty surgery does not look natural.

TRUE: The purpose of rhinoplasty surgery is to improve the appearance and create a more balanced face. Depending on the ability and experience of the doctor, the nose will be natural.


Aesthetic and Plastic Surgeon  Dr. Serdar Bora BAYRAKTAROĞLU


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In rhinoplasty surgery, the goal is not only aesthetic beauty. It is a surgical operation that eliminates blockages caused by structural problems inside the nose and also allows the patient to breathe more comfortably.


– Those whose nose is too big or small compared to the face,

– Those with a very wide nose when viewed from the front,

-Those with a low nose tip,

-Those with a wide and thick nose tip,

-Those whose nostrils are wider than usual,

– Those with an asymmetric appearance in the nose due to any accident,

– Those with nasal congestion that prevents breathing and anyone who has completed bone development


Achieving a result with a natural appearance on the face indicates that rhinoplasty surgery is successful.


The scar is undetectable. Because in an operation to improve the appearance of the nose, most of the incisions are stored in areas inside the nose that are not visible to the eye.


Nose surgery is performed under local or general anesthesia.

The operation begins mostly with an incision made under the nose. Then the belt is taken, the cartilage is shaped and cartilage patches are made in the necessary areas.

The tip of the nose is shaped and thinned.

By reshaping the nasal bones, the roof of the nose is closed, the base is narrowed.

If necessary, the nasal wings are narrowed.

If there are any bone or cartilage curvatures that block the patient’s airway are removed during surgery.

The middle roof of the nose is supported for the patient to breathe comfortably. The inner nose cap is repaired.

If the flesh of the nose is large, it is reduced with the help of radiofrequency or surgically.


Every day, our nose filters 18 thousand – 20 thousand liters of air.


After the operation, which lasts an average of 2 hours, tampons are placed in the nostrils.

Although it is rarely, swelling and bruising can be seen around the eye.

With tampons taken after 5 days, the patient breathes comfortably.

After 5 days, the patient returns to his normal life with the splint taken.

After surgery, the swelling that occurs returns to its former state within 1-2 months.

For four weeks after surgery, avoid sunlight and any risk factors that may injure the nose.

A period of 6-12 months must pass for the nose to take its final shape.

The use of glasses should be done with tape to prevent the load on the nose.


The human nose is sensitive enough to distinguish exactly 1 trillion different odors. Because they do not use these features, they gradually vestigial over time.


After rhinoplasty operations, the desired results may not be achieved for various reasons. For this reason, the repeated rhinoplasty operation is called Secondary Rhinoplasty. Revision surgeries can sometimes be a little more difficult than the first operation.


Some patients do not have problems in the upper parts of the nose, but problems may occur in the lower or middle parts. In cases where the nasal tip is wide, asymmetric, the nasal tip cartilage stands apart from each other, or in the curvature of the nasal tip, it is possible to reach a solution in 10-15 minutes with the application of Mini-Rhinoplasty.


After Mini-Rhinoplasty surgery, plaster and splints are used in the necessary cases. It is removed at the end of 5 days.

The patient can return to their daily activities the next day.

After 1 month, the nose becomes compatible with the face.

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Breast Reduction

Breast Reduction


Breast reduction surgery is a practice performed for health purposes, as well as for aesthetic reasons. It is one of the most common aesthetic operations in our country. In addition to giving the breast an aesthetic appearance, it is made to relieve neck, back and lower back pain caused by large breasts. The effect of gravity, rapid weight gain and loss, pregnancy or breastfeeding cause both the shape of the breasts to deteriorate and sag in women. Having a large and saggy breast negatively affects the patient’s social, physical and personal quality of life.


Those with large breasts.

Patients with enlarged breasts after childbirth or weight gain.

Women with saggy breasts.


This operation can be performed in people over the age of 18. As an exception, in the case of a disease called virgin hypertrophy, which causes excessive breast growth in young girls, surgery is performed.


Pariareolar Mastopexy, Vertical Mastopexy, Reverse T

Breast reduction surgeries are always surgeries that leave scars. Depending on size and sagging, there is a scar around the nipple, a vertical scar under it, and a horizontal scar under the breast.


Attention is paid to the fact that the new breast is proportional to the patient’s body and looks aesthetic.


After breast reduction surgery, the patient is discharged after 5-6 hours.

After 2 days, the patient can take a bath.

After 3 days, the doctor checks and the patient can start their daily activities.

After surgery, the patient can only perform walking activity for 3 weeks.

After 3 weeks, it can do all sports activities except arm and chest movements. After the sixth week, all kinds of sports activities can be done.

Breasts get their full shape in the third month.

Health problems caused by large breasts

**–**Skin irritation and diaper rash under the breast,

Permanent shoulder and back weights,

Cervical disc hernias,

Arm numbness and weakness caused by nerve entrapments,

Breast size can cause depression and quality of life impairment, especially in women over 40 years of age.


Breast asymmetry is the name given to differences in shape and size caused by reasons such as developmental disorders, breastfeeding, pregnancy, or hormonal imbalance. Breast asymmetry can occur for many different reasons. Thanks to the development of surgical techniques, the problem of breast asymmetry is solved. In asymmetry operations, the breast is shaped according to its structure, size and the person’s desire. Breast augmentation, lift or reduction operations can also be performed while asymmetry surgery is performed.


This operation can be performed in people over the age of 18. As an exception, in the case of a disease called virgin hypertrophy, which causes excessive breast growth in young girls, surgery is performed.


After nose aesthetics, the most common aesthetic operation in Turkey is breast reduction surgery.

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Breast Reduction

Breast Reduction

/ Monday, 19 April 2021 / Published in Blog

FALSE: Big breasts are always better.

TRUE: The breast size that suits your physique is the reasonable one. Fullness should be important, not enormousness.

FALSE: I can not breastfeed after breast aesthetics surgery.

TRUE: Since not all mammary glands are removed, you can breastfeed your baby easily.

FALSE: Those who have breast reduction surgery do not experience sagging.

TRUE: As we age, sagging occurs throughout our body, but this sagging occurs less in patients who have had breast reduction surgery.

FALSE: Many scars remain after breast reduction surgeries.

TRUE: After reduction surgeries, scars may remain on the body that will not be noticed. These scars are mostly hidden in folded places. The remaining slight scars can be minimized with creams.

FALSE: My breasts do not grow again after breast reduction surgery.

TRUE: After breast reduction surgery, the patient can live large in their breasts if they gain excess weight. Breast size does not change when you gain and lose less weight.


Aesthetic and Plastic Surgeon  Dr. Serdar Bora BAYRAKTAROĞLU


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Breast Lift - Mastopexy

Breast Lift - Mastopexy


Breast asymmetry is the name given to differences in shape and size caused by reasons such as developmental disorders, breastfeeding, pregnancy, or hormonal imbalance. Breast asymmetry can occur for many different reasons. Thanks to the development of surgical techniques, the problem of breast asymmetry is can be solved. In asymmetry operations, the breast is shaped according to its structure, size and the person’s desire. Breast augmentation, lift, or reduction operations can also be performed while the asymmetry is removed.

What is the proper age for breast asymmetry surgery?

This operation can be performed in people over the age of 18. As an exception, surgery is performed in case of a disease that causes excessive breast growth in young girls, called Virgin hypertrophy.


Aesthetic and Plastic Surgeon Dr. Serdar Bora BAYRAKTAROĞLU


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Breast Lift - Mastopexy

Breast Lift - Mastopexy


Breast lift operations are performed to clear up sagging caused by different reasons and achieve an aesthetic appearance. Breast reduction and sagging tissue after the end of breastfeeding cause breast disfigurement. In some patients, excessive weight loss also causes non-aesthetic results.

Breast lift surgery is intended to restore the shape and steepness of the area. And with this operation, the asymmetry problems between the two breasts are also cleared up.


– Those with structurally saggy breasts,

– Those with big and saggy breasts,

-The hollow of the breast after births and breastfeeding,

– Sagging breasts after excessive weight loss,

– Sagging breasts with aging.


The rate of sagging in the breast area and the size of the breasts are evaluated and the surgical procedure to be used in breast lift aesthetics is determined.

Slightly loose and saggy breasts:

If the size of the breast is appropriate, the annular excess around the nipple is removed, and the nipple is slightly raised up. A ring-shaped mark remains around the nipple. If sagging is less, if it is not too large, drop silicone prosthesis is used.

Moderate and advanced level of loose and saggy breasts:

In moderate sagging, excess skin on the nipple is removed in the form of a ring. Breast tissue is gathered up, cut places are closed. A scar remains around the nipple. In advanced sagging, excess skin on the nipple is removed in the form of a ring. The breast is gathered up on the lower side.


It can be done to all patients who have completed breast development after the age of 18. This operation is mainly performed in middle-aged patients who have given birth. Breast lift surgery can be performed in young patients with structurally sagging breasts. In patients with tubular breast deformity, popularly known as goat’s breast, surgery can be performed at a very early age. This discomfort is a congenital condition and is noticeable at the age of 13-14 years, when breast growth begins.


Pariareolar Mastopexy, Vertical Mastopexy, Reverse T

Depending on the sagging of the breast, scars can occur in different ways. These scars become invisible over time, even if they are obvious at the beginning. Implants can be used in patients experiencing mild sagging. In this case, the scar remains in the fold under the breast or in the placement of the nipple. In cases where the breast must be gather up without an Implant, the trace is hidden in the brownish area of the nipple or at the junction of the breast with the chest.


In the first periods, swelling and temporary sensation may decrease.


The patient wears a sports bra for 3 weeks.

For 2-3 months, the patient is advised to stay away from heavy sports.


If your nipple is at or below the level of the fold under the breast, it means that your breast is sagging.

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Gynecomastia is the name given to female-type breast growth seen in men. Nowadays, many men have this problem.


Gynecomastia can also occur due to hormonal irregularities, alcohol consumption, supplements taken for bodybuilding, infections with certain internal organ disorders and tumors, eating disorders, as well as with weight gain. Gynecomastia can negatively affect a person’s life socially and psychologically.


3 types of surgical options are used for adult men.

  • By Liposuction method (Vaser),
  • Surgical removal of breast tissue,
  • Liposuction and surgical procedure together.

Liposuction method is a good and easy option in patients with mild and moderate gynecomastia problem. In advanced and severe cases, the skin and breast tissue should be removed with incisions and the breast tissue should be reshaped.


Those whose breasts become prominent during adolescence and then do not return to normal,

Patients with breast growth after excessive weight gain.

Patients who can not be treated by non-surgical methods.


After surgery, the patient is discharged immediately or the next day.

Heavy physical exercises for 3-6 weeks are not recommended.

Excessive arm movements are restricted during this time.

1-2 days after the operation, the patient returns to daily life.


Pseudogynecomastia is a very common problem. It is a condition in which the breast looks large due to lubrication that occurs without growth in the mammary gland.


Since gynecomastia surgery is most often performed by inserting thin cannulas by liposuction, there are no obvious scars after the operation.


Results of gynecomastia surgery are permanent. Gynecomastia does not recur unless the patient gains and loses weight again or has different underlying causes such as hormonal disorder, drug use, disease, etc.


This condition, which can be seen in 75% of men entering puberty, disappears by 90% at the end of puberty.

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Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation

FALSE: Patient needs to change her silicone prostheses every 10 years.

TRUE: A new generation of breast implants can be used for a lifetime. Because the gel layer inside retains the shape of the prosthesis.

FALSE: I can not breastfeed after breast aesthetics surgery.

TRUE: A condition that prevents breastfeeding does not occur. Because there is no intervention in the mammary glands.

FALSE: I can decide whether my silicone prosthesis is round or teardrop.

TRUE: The plastic surgeon and the patient decide together to shape of the prosthesis according to the size and structure of the breast, the shape of the rib cage and lifestyle.

FALSE: I can make my own breast do the same as my friend’s.

TRUE: The size of the prosthesis that will be placed in a woman with a height of 1.45 and a woman with a height of 1.80 cm can not be the same. The size of the breast is determined according to many criteria, such as the patient’s body structure, whether she gave birth or not.


Aesthetic and Plastic Surgeon Dr. Serdar Bora BAYRAKTAROĞLU


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Breast Augmentation (Prothesis-Implant)

Breast Augmentation (Prothesis-Implant)


Our goal in these operations, in addition to enlarging the breast, to design a breast that is aesthetically suitable for the person. In addition to the patient’s wishes, various factors such as body structure are taken into consideration in the selection of the implant to be placed. Thanks to the developing technology, it is possible to find a silicone prosthesis suitable for every body structure. More natural appearance is provided because some augmentation surgeries are performed in combination with fat injections rich in stem cells.


Those who have small breasts.

Those whose breasts are empty with breastfeeding.

Those who have sagging breasts over time.


It can be done to all patients who have completed breast development after the age of 18.


Round Silicone / Teardrop Silicone

Chip Silicon: thanks to the developing technology, the use of chips is now becoming widespread.


It’s one of the surgeries where scar is minimal. Under normal condition, it consists of a small scar only 3 centimeters long. This scar remains in the fold under the breast.


  • The patient’s height and weight, that is, the overall body structure, are looked at.
  • Attention is paid to the shape of the patient’s rib cage.
  • Breast tissue of the patient is taken into account.
  • Rate of sagging in the patient’s breasts is observed. Depending on the condition of sagging, it may be necessary to perform a combination of breast lift and breast augmentation aesthetics.
  • Attention is paid to the asymmetry in the breasts.


The operation is performed under general anesthesia and the operation takes an average of 45-90 minutes.

Patients are usually discharged on the same day.

Maximum hospitalization duration predict as 1 day.

After the operation, the patient can move and continue their daily activities.

Sports bra is used.

Heavy lifting and driving are not recommended.

The first check is done after 5 or 7 days.

Shower can be taken with bandages.


One of the methods of breast augmentation is fat injection. The most important criterion for performing these operations is that there is a sufficient amount of excess fat in the body.

In order to increase permanence, fat injections enriched from stem cells can be made. In this case, 80% of the permanence can be achieved.

Fat located on the sides of the abdomen, inside the legs and in the basins of your body is taken with liposuction and ready for application after special procedures.


It is performed between 150-450cc with Normal breast prostheses. Breast augmentation operations up to 300-400cc can be performed at a time with fat injection. A second session is performed if patient even wants to have a larger breast.


60-80% permanence is provided.


– Swelling and bruising may occur in areas where fat is taken.

– A small edema can be observed in the chest area.

– Corset should be used for the area where the fat is taken.


After breast augmentation operations, you should lie on your back for the first 2 weeks!

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False: I can choose the nose I want for rhinoplasty.

True: Each patient’s facial features are different from each other. For this reason, a separate surgical plan is designed and implemented by the surgeon for the patient.

False: After rhinoplasty, the tip of the nose drops!

True: The tip of the nose does not fall in rhinoplasty operations performed with the right technique.

False: The tampon placed in the nose after surgery causes afflict and pain.

True: The cloth buffer used in the early years of rhinoplasty replaced the air silicone buffer. Air silicone, which is easily removed without any afflict and pain, also helps the patient breathe thanks to the holes in it.

False: A nose that has undergone rhinoplasty surgery does not look natural.

True: The purpose of rhinoplasty surgery is to improve the appearance and create a more balanced face. Depending on the ability and experience of the doctor, the nose will be natural.

Aesthetic and Plastic Surgeon / Dr. Serdar Bora BAYRAKTAROĞLU

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Rhinoplasty is perhaps one of the most complex areas of plastic surgery. Rhinoplasty should be performed in a way that optimizes respiratory function with surgery strategies that vary depending on the person. Although it contains technical noun differences, such as open and closed, it serves the same purpose on the basis of the operation; an aesthetic nose that is compatible with the face.


There is an essential difference between breathing through the nose and breathing through the mouth. The air taken from the nose is cleaned and heated, and due to its structure, it relaxes the right half of the heart.  And that provides a physical performance boost. It is also important to breathe through the nose for good sleep. Improves sleep quality.

Bony Nose / Long Nose / Taut Nose / Excessively Long Nose Tip / Fleshy Nose Tip / Weak Nose Tip


People who doesn’t like appearance of his/her nose or complaints such as breathing can have rhinoplasty. The only sought criterion is that bone development is complete. The average age for surgery is 17 for girls and 18 for boys.


The results of rhinoplasty are permanent. The final state of the nose appears 6 months after surgery.


A beautiful nose should be compatible with the rest of the person’s face, reflect personality traits, carry a familial and racial character.

Although it is more often seen as a preferred procedure by women, problems with breathing are also more common in men. Aesthetically, correction of conspicuous details in the male nose without changing the size too much will both ensure the preservation of the masculine image and contribute to the aesthetics of the person’s face.


Edema extending around the nose and around the eyes due to the procedures applied in the operation regress in about 2 weeks.

Stitches placed at the tip of the nose are removed on the fifth day.

Silicone supports placed inside the nose and on the back of the nose are removed 1 week after the operation.

After the operation is just as important as the operation. During this period, the patient must protect his nose from trauma for at least 6 months.

During this period, it may be necessary to use the recommended creams and sprays, massage application to ensure that edema regresses faster and structures fall into place.


Our nose gets its true size during adolescence. Our nose completes 75% of its size at the age of 10.

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FALSE: Gynecomastia occurs only in young people.

TRUE: Gynecomastia is seen in people of all ages. In addition, gynecomastia seen in children and adolescents largely resolves spontaneously.

FALSE: Breast cancer does not occur in men.

TRUE: Breast cancer is considered a female disease, but about 1% of all breast cancers occur in men.

FALSE: Gynecomastia is not seen in overweight people.

TRUE: Breast growth is more common in overweight men. In the presence of adipose tissue, the return of male hormone to estrogen is greater. Deterioration of the body’s balance in favor of estrogens is one of the causes of gynecomastia.

FALSE: Patient can get rid of gynecomastia without surgery.

TRUE: Surgery is the only solution for breast growth that occurs in men. It is not possible to solve it with sports, special training or any medication.


Gynecomastia is a condition seen in 65 out of every 100 men.


Aesthetic and Plastic Surgeon Dr. Serdar Bora BAYRAKTAROĞLU


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