Breast Lift (Mastopexy)

This week’s surgical procedure is ‘Breast Lift’

I will tell you about this surgery through a surgery I have done. In this way, you will be able to find answers to all the questions you have about the surgery.

Firstly; Breast lift surgeries are performed to remove sagging due to different reasons and to obtain an aesthetic appearance. After the end of breastfeeding after birth, shrinkage of the breasts and sagging in the tissue cause deformity.

In some patients, gaining and losing too much weight also causes non-aesthetic results. Again, in plump breasts, sagging may occur over time due to gravity. If you have a flexible skin, this sagging may increase in the future. All these situations disturb the person and can sometimes negatively affect their psychology.

With the breast lift surgery, it is aimed to regain the form and uprightness of the area. And with this surgery, asymmetry problems between the two breasts are also eliminated.

Now, through my patient, I want to tell what I did.

This patient is a lady in her late 40s who had multiple births. She was born with large breasts, but after birth, she had an intense sagging problem as a result of both breastfeeding and weight gain. Also, as you can see, there is a serious asymmetry and nipple curvature. In short, my patient is faced with a serious deformation problem.

During the examination, she stated that she was very unhappy about this situation. She said that she now wanted firmer and smaller breasts in volume. I also made a plan by taking my patient’s wishes into consideration. I put it in a smaller and more vibrant form. I also carried the nipple to an upright place. But more importantly, I would remove the asymmetry between the two breasts.

This operation made my patient so happy that she lost weight. In this way, she entered her new life in a good shape. The result, as you can see, was very successful. And this positive change made me very happy. Because touching a person’s life in this way is one of the most beautiful things in the world.

Who are eligible for breast reduction?

– Those with a structurally sagging breast,

– Those with large and sagging breasts,

– Those whose breasts hang by emptying after births and breastfeeding,

– Breast sagging after excessive weight loss,

– Those who experience sagging with age.

Who should have breast lift surgery?

Those who experience sagging in their breasts due to pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight gain or loss, or structural reasons are suitable candidates for breast lift surgery.

Which methods are used in breast lift aesthetics?

The rate of sagging in the breast area and the size of the breasts are evaluated and the surgical intervention to be used in breast lift aesthetics is determined.

In mild, loose, and saggy breasts:

If the size of the breasts is appropriate, the ring-shaped excess around the nipple is removed and the nipple is lifted slightly upwards. A ring-shaped scar remains around the nipple. If the sagging is small or not too large, drop silicone prosthesis is used.

In moderate to severe loose and sagging breasts:

In moderate sagging, the excess skin on the nipple is removed in the form of a ring. The breast tissue is collected from underneath and the incisions are closed. There would be a scar around the nipple. In severe sagging, while the breast is applied in the same application, the breast picks up towards the bottom.

At what ages is breast lift surgery applied?

This surgery is mostly applied to middle-aged patients who have given birth. Breast lift surgery can be performed in young patients with  structurally sagging breasts. Surgery can be performed at a very early age in patients with    tubular breast deformity , popularly known as goat breast. This condition is a congenital condition and is noticed at 13-14 years of age when breast growth begins.

Will there be any scars after breast lift surgery?

Scars can be formed in different ways depending on the sagging. Even if these scars are evident at the beginning, they vanish over time. If a prosthesis is used during breast lift, it is hidden indistinctly in the brownish area of the nipple and the junction with the white skin of the breast.

What are experienced after breast lift surgery?

– Patients can be discharged 5-6 hours after the operation.

– Wound control is performed in the dressing performed 2 days later.

– In the first periods, swelling and numbness in the nipple are seen. This is a temporary process.

– After the operation, the patient can return to work 3-4 days later.

– After 1 week, the bandage is opened.

– The patient wears a sports bra for 6 weeks.

– It is recommended that the patient stay away from heavy sports for 3 months.

How long will the effect of surgery remain?

  • You can enjoy the efficacy of this procedure for years. But as the aging continues, there may be small slackening over time.

And again, if you gain and lose weight quickly and intensely, unfortunately, the result of the surgery may be adversely affected.

Combined Treatment

I can perform this surgery individually or as a part of body contouring. Then, for example, I can plan it with tummy tuck or vaser liposuction aesthetics.

Yes, as with every breast surgery, I repeat: Breast surgeries do not prevent you from breastfeeding.  In other words, you can have breast aesthetic surgery in any period of your life.